Good morning!
Another terrific Key West day in the making.
It is so good to have my computer back! My life will now return to normal.
Yesterday afternoon was spent running errands for Lisa. The Post Office, picking her up, getting her lunch, etc. In between I did my show and visited the dentist again. Big time mouth pain! Better this morning. I cannot complain. I knew what I was in for when I started. I also knew it would take 4-5 months to complete the process.
Amazon Kindle fans. I have not written for Kindle in over a week because of the computer problem. I will start again today. My Kindle article is listed under Key West Lou Law.
Today a pedicure. My toenails are curling. I have been too busy to go lately.
Tonight party time! Chris is getting married. On the beach at West Martello at 5. Then a reception inside afterwards. Everyone will be there!
West Martello is one of the two forts the Union built during the Civil War to prevent the Confederates from capturing Key West. The Confederates never came!
Syracuse won last night! Beat indiana State 77-60. Indiana State is Larry Byrd’s old school.
I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed the game. I cannot. I fell asleep.
The game was scheduled to start around 10 in the evening. I got comfortable in bed to watch. The next thing I knew it was this morning!
At least I am rested up for tonight’s party.
Enjoy your day!