I am up early this morning. Babysitting all day.
The grandkids and I have conferred. They are joining me this morning when I get a haircut. They go to Lori, also. So they will not be uncomfortable. Since my hair is so short, a haircut for me takes all of five minutes.
Then off to Boondocks for miniature golf. Followed by a pizza lunch at No Name Pub.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
My recollection is that St. Patrick was not Irish. Sort of Italian. He was a Roman slave transported to Ireland.
Having become a bachelor, there are many things I have had to learn. Housekeeping things. I have conquered the dish washing. The key is to load the dishwasher as you use the dishes, pots and pans. I used to let them sit for a couple of days in the sink. Not the way to go.
Clothes washing and drying still confuse me a bit. The dryer is a problem. but I shall overcome.
I thought I had the washing down to a science. Apparently not. On the golf course yesterday, every one commented on my shorts. They were originally dark brown. Now they have pink spots of all sizes. I know. I misused the bleach/Clorox. I just poured it in on top and apparently too much.
Last night was fun.
Kurt picked me up. We drove to Don’s Place to meet Don and Tom. Had a drink and then headed to the Yacht Club for dinner. A drink at the bar followed by a spectacular meal.
I had yellowfish. Still difficult to chew.
Tino showed up in the midst of dinner. He joined us. I had invited him. He said he could not join us. He was running a domino tournament at the Botanical Gardens. When he showed up, he said he bowed out early. Left his remaining domino responsibilities to his wife Maria. We all laughed. Tino is not one to miss a fun time!
Good conversation. A lot of laughs.
Afterwards, I wanted to go the Larry and Jenna Show at Hogs Breath. Don and Tom begged off. Tino said he had to walk the dog. So Kurt and I went. A good show! As usual! Jenna looked especially attractive in a new off the shoulder blue top.
Tomorrow is the Key West Lou Legal Hour. Jenna is my guest. She is college educated as a TV announcer. She formerly was a TV sports figure. Should be fun.
Join me and Jenna at 10 on the internet at www.konkbroadcasting.com or www.konkam.com. A lot of current news with legal implications to be discussed. You will not be bored! I guarantee it!
Enjoy your day!
No bleach on dark colors. Sort whites and colors. Have Lisa educate you or get someone to come in and handle all of these chores for you.