It is high noon on friday!
I am at Lisa’s doing today’s blog. My computer is still down.
The big item today without question is the quake in Japan. I have never seen anything so powerful or destructive as today’s tsunami.
Modern communication is wonderful. It was there on the TV for all to see as we woke this morning.
The quake was an 8.9. Big! The tsunami 30 feet high. Wild! I read in one of the news reports that the energy of the quake was equal to one month’s energy consumption in the United States!
Then the tsunami hits Hawaii. Six foot waves. The west coast of the United States is readying itself for a further tsunami hit.
What I saw on TV this morning in Japan had biblical quality to it. The videos reminded me of storms described in the Old Testament when God got mad about something. Like the locusts falling on Egypt when the Pharoah would not let Moses’ people leave.
Key West weather changed abruptly yesterday. An early afternoon rainstorm of monsoon proportions. Big wind. Knocked over and otherwise moved around my heavy deck furniture.
The storm was a prelude to the cold front which came upon us last night. It got down to 61 degrees during the evening. The high today is projected at 67.
I am wearing jeans, a shirt and a windbreaker.
Tomorrow is a return to normal. Almost 80 degree weather.
The new bocce season was to have started last night. It did not. Canceled. The clay had not settled. The rain water did not soak in properly. I received a telephone call from Don telling me people were up to their ankles on the courts.
I did my internet show this morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Fun! Terrific! I will comment further on it in tomorrow’s blog.
As you know, I do a daily legal blog on Amazon Kindle. Many of you have subscribed to it. I started receiving complaints that subscribers were only able to receive my first blog. I went at it with Amazon big time this week. They assure me the problem is resolved. Just go on Kindle or I pod and locate Key West Lou Law. All the back blogs should be available and from this point forward you should be receiving the new ones on a daily basis.
Because of the Kindle problem, I did not write any legal blogs this past week. I will start anew tomorrow.
Syracuse won again yesterday. Beat St. John. Another game tonight. Go Cuse!
Enjoy your day!