It is early afternoon.
Sorry to be so late with the blog. I won’t bore you with an excuse.
Yesterday was a work day. After the dentist, I worked on today’s internet show all afternoon into the early evening. I was behind.
The Key West Lou Legal Hour was good this morning. Actually, better than good. Terrific!
There is so much happening. So much to talk about. It is actually easy to do a great show.
A lot of response since the show. Pedophilia and Sharia law topped the interest poll.
This past week a two year old girl was raped at Orlando’s Sea World. The bad guy actually photographed the event on his cell phone. He has been arrested. Of course, he does not know where the pictures came from.
There was supposed to have been an Islamic rally in front of the White House today. Its purpose was to assist in implementing Sharia law in the United States. The rally was called off by its leader. Allegedly because he and his group suddenly had something more important to do. Like thwarting the United State’s efforts to colonize the Arab world. Crazy people!
One of the avowed purposes of the Islamic group is to remodel the White House into a White Masjid. A masjid is a mosque.
After the show, I had another dentist visit. I am recovering. Slowly, however. I have been on a liquid diet for three weeks. As a result, I have lost 12 pounds. Something good coming from something bad!
Tonight I hope to go out. Where, I do not know. But out it is!
Enjoy your day!