A weather forecaster I will never be!
I predicted rain yesterday. I was hopeful it would hold off till I finished golf. It sprinkled a bit as I drove to the golf course. That was it! The day was magnificent! Sunny and warm!
I played with Don, Larry and Michael. Michael is a friend visiting Don from up north.
I played poorly. Fortunately only lost $13. Michael was the big winner. $24. He made most of it on the par 5 18th. He shot a natural par. Had 2 strokes, however. Ended with a net eagle 3.
There were 12 of us to play yesterday. We played in 3 groups of four.
Emmett played in one of the other groups. Shot good! I take back my statement from last week that I could beat him.
Nate played in one of the other groups, also. A fine golfer. A gentleman. Manages the bars at Bagatelle’s. He shot 70! A par round! Congratulations, Nate!
We all spent time after golf sitting on the porch of the club house and chatting. Better stated, solving the world’s problems.
Last night I was out and about. With Don and Michael.
We started at Don’s Place.
The next stop was the Chart Room. Only briefly.
Then to Hogsbreath for the Larry and Jenna Show. Excellent!
Ran into Cheryl and Roger, Patti, Harry and his wife, and Rick.
We stopped at Island Dogs after we left Hogsbreath. The last time I was there was 7 years ago. There is a new owner. Mike and Nancy’s son in law. Mike and Nancy work at Don’s Place. I liked Island Dogs. Cheerful. Many people. Good prices.
Tommorrow, I do my internet show. At 10 in the morning. You can watch at www.konkam.com or www.konkbroadcasting.com.
A good show is planned. The Key West Lou Legal Hour will touch on Wisconsin, pedophelia in Orlando, Atlantic City, Ecuador and an enviromental case, a Sharia law revisit, a Polish hunter and his elephant hunt, a rat on an Alaskan Airlines plane, high speed rail, Florida and smoking lawsuits, and much more.
Try to join me. You will enjoy!
My first stop today is the dentist. I am feeling better.
Enjoy your day!
Excellent show and I could not agree more about Collective Bargaining. Only people who have not worked for decades in the trenches would NOT realize that employers hold almost all the cards and often act worse then the "sweat shops that murdered children" in Charles Dickens' days. People need to think about who really cares for their real interests.