Another perfect Key West day yesterday!

Temperature pushed 80 degrees. Sunny. A touch of humidity. A bit of wind.

Heaven on earth.

I walked. Duval. From the Atlantic to the Gulf and back. Plus up and down a few side streets. Tons of tourists. The season is upon us.

Then the Coffee House. Coffee and the New York Times.

Some days are best spent home alone. Yesterday was one of them.

I took my computer and went outside. Sat under the tiki hut and wrote. Writing has become a significant part of my life of late. I hope people are reading some of it. Otherwise I am a voice in the wilderness.

The Amazon Kindle legal blog yesterday was interesting. I have talked and written about the topic in the past. Enjoyed it then. Enjoyed it yesterday.

Amazing Grace.

I started the blog with Article I, section 9, of the United States Constitution. The section prohibted the importation of slaves to American shores beginning 20 years after the adoption of the Constitution. A fact generally unknown. In 1808 Thomas Jefferson signed a law to that effect.

That beginning evolved into John Newton and his transformation. First the poem Amazing Grace. Years later set to music. The civil rights movement. And finally, the likes of Elvis Presley, Willie Nelson, Tennesee Enie Ford, Althea Franklin and Judy Collins recording the piece.

Layed by the pool a bit. Needed color. Pale I was becoming.

Today is going to be a busy one.

Golf this morning. Bobby Nesbitt early in the evening. Then Syracuse basketball. Followed by the Larry and Jenna show.

Syracuse plays Connecticut. A tough game. I hope Syracuse does a turn around.

Enjoy your day!

3 comments on “

  1. Don't worry, Key West Lou – you have readers and followers. I read your blog every day and live vicariously as a retiree through you. My generation may never retire, given economic conditions. So keep living it up for us!

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