Blog late! Slept late! Sorry!
Yesterday’s radio show went well. I enjoy doing it. Actually, I love doing it!
Based on post show comments, two topics affected listeners the most. Crime and Social Security.
Crimes involved the Philadelphia abortionist who killed seven fetus’s born alive by snipping their spines with a scissor and the Oakland, California second graders having oral sex in the classroom. These disgusting events were reported this past week. Just when you think you have heard it all, something new and more shocking pops up.
I hit Social Security hard. The American people are getting a crock of improper information from the right. Social Security is not insolvent. It will be either 8 years or 24 years before there is a problem. Deal with the other issues at this time which are critical at the moment. Deal with Social Security later in a precautionary fashion to make sure no problems occur down the road.
After the show, I was off to the Coffee House. Packed! Tourists and locals. I was lucky to get my favorite chair. Sipped coffee and read the New York papers.
Saw Jane. My Coffee House friend. It has been months since we have run into each other. She is truly a beautiful person. I love her personality, smile and clothes. She is a matronly woman. I suspect older than I. She dresses in long flowing white garments. Glides through a room.
Walked a bit on Duval. A lot of tourists. The sidewalks were crowded. It was cold. Too cold for the beach. So they were walking around.
I spent the afternoon writing. I enjoy the experience.
Last night was a big one! I stayed out till one in the morning! Have not done that in so long I cannot remembr when. I am generally in bed by 10.
Started my evening at the Chart Room. Michael bartending. He was his usual pleasant self. I told Michael I had talked with Marty. Marty has been under the weather a bit of late. Hopefully he will return to Key West soon.
Saw Sean at the Chart Room. Katherine was working. Sean is Key West’s premier reporter.
I was in the mood to see a movie. Walked over to the Tropic Cinema and saw The King’s Speech. Terrific! A winner! Had a slight degree of tenseness to it which was constant through out the movie. My recollectgion is it received 12 Academy Award nominations. Colin Firth was superior in the lead role.
Donna and Terri spent several nights a week at the Monkey Bar while they were here. They told me I should try it. It is a karaoke place. Don and Chris accidently stopped there the last time they were in Key West. A fun place, they reported.
Last night, I tried the Monkey Bar for the first time. I did not sing. I am a coward. A fun place! Marylou and Charlie were there. I met Jordan. An early 20s Conch. Her boy friend runs the karaoke operation. She walks around the bar encouraging people to sing.
On the way home, I decided to stop at Don’s Place. Overflowing with people! Kurt bartending. Don and David there. I had not seen seen David since he and Karen returned from their three week trip to France. A wonderful time, he reported.
I stayed at Don’s Place a while. The three of us talked bocce. Our party is next thursday. similar to a bowling banquet. Except in Key West time and style. The new season starts in two weeks.
What a night! I had a wonderful time! Perhaps I should do it more often. There is no question this new burst of energy I am experiencing made last night possible. People are telling me I am more animated, more alive.
About time!
Today is a big one! My day is already scheduled. Syracuse basketball at 3. At the Sports Page Bar. I will probably watch the game with Dan and Lisa from Skaneateles. Afterwards, I must hurry over to Lisa’s. She and Corey have some banquet to go to. Poppa is babysitting!
Enjoy your day!
*** begin quote ***
I hit Social Security hard. The American people are getting a crock of improper information from the right. Social Security is not insolvent. It will be either 8 years or 24 years before there is a problem. Deal with the other issues at this time which are critical at the moment. Deal with Social Security later in a precautionary fashion to make sure no problems occur down the road.
*** end quote ***
Social Security isn't insolvent?
Guess we have different definitions of what "insolvent" means!
in·sol·vent adj \(ˌ)in-ˈsäl-vənt, -ˈsȯl-\
Definition of INSOLVENT
a (1) : unable to pay debts as they fall due in the usual course of business (2) : having liabilities in excess of a reasonable market value of assets held
b : insufficient to pay all debts
c : not up to a normal standard or complement : impoverished
We'll just go to that "lockbox" each month an take out what's needed to pay the pensioners.
Oh, there is NO lockbox!
That proverbial lockbox is full of IOUs from the Treasury.
Surely the Treasury has a "treasure room" to redeem these IOUs against? Fort Knox?
No, Treasury thru the FED borrows money from China!
Now, I know it's hard for folk to think of their precious Gooferment as being "broke". But it is.
Not that it doesn't have resources. Not that it is without people.
It's short on clarity.
It all starts back in 1913 with the creation of the FED, with stops along the way at FDR's gold confiscation, Nixon closing the gold window, and "Helicopter" Ben with his "printing press".
What we are calling money has no intrinsic value. No scarcity. We're lucky that we've pulled the proverbial wool over the world's eyes with the "Dollar as the World's Reserve currency". Our new modern Dollar is worth whatever you can exchange it for. We kid ourselves that it has "value".
(Saddam whispering, that he wanted to be paid for "his" oil in the golden dinar, was enough to get him overthrown.)
The OPEC countries and China are wising up to the scam. Their problem is how do they hit the exit from the Dollar while it still worth something. And, they are not in a position to go without the USA markets. Yet. Why do you suppose that China is buying everything in sight with its dollars? Much like the Japanese in the 80's who bought Rockefeller Center, golf courses galore, and stuff. It didn't save them.
Now, back to Social Security. When I was on Wall Street, everyone always worried about "counter party risk". If I do a trade with you, will you complete the deal. Us old folks have a "moral IOU" from Uncle Sam that says we have sort of a claim on future generations for an annuity. (An annuity that pays a negative interest rate, I might add. But, let's keep it simple.) Congress can with the stroke of pen change the terms of that annuity. (As it can with any public servants' pension.)
Now there are any number of reasons that they abrogate the deal. It's too expensive. It's inconvenient. Or, there are not enough future taxpayers to make good on the promise.
So how can you say that Social Security isn't broke? It's not like a real Insurance Company. It makes Bernie Made-Off look penny ante.
Did you skip MC's eckynomics class?
Interesting. How about this idea…the Feds stop TAKING my FICA, I keep it and invest it myself. Plus, either rebate me all the FICA I have paid in since starting work at 16 or I call 911 and report a theft.
Interesting. How about this idea…the Feds stop TAKING my FICA, I keep it and invest it myself. Plus, either rebate me all the FICA I have paid in since starting work at 16 or I call 911 and report a theft.