The weather is absolutely fantastic!
Key West weather at its best!
Not normal this time of the year. January is Key West’s cold month. Maybe we had it last month when I was complaining so much.
This morning is like yesterday. A blue sky. Water silent. Like a mirror. No wind. Everything bright. The palm trees and mangroves have never been greener.
And to the north, the country is being buried again in snow! Hard to believe.
Yesterday the temperature pushed 80 degrees. I took advantage of it. Went to the beach. Fort Zachary Taylor. I have a golfer’s tan. My body otherwise white. Needed some color.
I bought the newspapers and sat by the water reading. All I could think was God is good!
I did not go in the water. Too cold for me. The tourists go swimming. The locals do not. The thin blood thing.
Last night was football! What else! Auburn and Oregon. I stayed home to watch. A terrific game. It will go down in the books.
i am happy for Auburn who won and sorry for Oregon who lost. It is a once in a lifetime event for these young men. And the winners will remember with pride the day the rest of their lives.
I had the good fortune to know two fellows who played with the national champion Pittsburgh team many years ago. They wore their rings with pride. No matter what, they had reached the mountain top. Neither was an economic success later in life. It did not matter. The game was everything!
Terri starred at Feinstein’s in New York City Sunday night. Great post show reports! She sang to a packed house and standing ovation! My girl broke a leg!
It was Mary Jo’s birthday last night. There was a party at La Te Da for her. I obviously did not go. Sorry, Mary Jo. No excuse is a good excuse. However, I was tired from the sun and did want to watch the foiotball game. Still love you, though!
Mary Jo has become a Key West icon. A legend in er own time. She has had cancer so long and outlived all medical projections as to her demise. She just keeps moving on. Continue the journey, Mary Jo!
There was an interesting article in yesterday’s New York Times. By David Segal. It was entitled “Is Law School a Losing Game?” The bottom line is that attorneys are having a difficult time in this economy. Both new and old lawyers.
A prominent Key West attorney recently told me that retaining a lawyer in this economy is a luxury. People still have a need for legal assistance. But cannot afford to pay. As a result, attorneys are earning less, some closing their offices and working from their homes and not scheduling anything that costs money. Such as a deposition.
The economy affects everyone!
Except the banks.
As I advised yesterday, my Amazon Kindle legal blog is up and running. Correctly! You can now subscribe. It is called Key West Lou Law.
Today’s Kindle article involves pedophelia. A disgusting subject. But one heavily in the news recently. Locally and nationally.
Would you believe that someone recently wrote a book on how to be a pedophile! Yes! He has been arrested by Florida authoritiies.
The case will be interesting. It raises a freedom of speech issue. The author’s attorney has already taken that position.
Jenna is due at 9. We have some Kindle things to complete at my end. Also Jenna is my producer for the radio show The Key West Lou Legal Hour. We have some things to go over for friday’s show.
Enjoy your day!
I hope you said 'hello' to Gary and Tecia while at Fort Zach..