I planned on walking yesterday morning. The fog had excited me. Unfortunately by the time I was ready to walk, the fog had lifted. Nevertheless I still walked. Along the Atlantic by Smathers Beach.

Years ago when the children were young, we vacationed every summer at the Jersey shore. Wildwood Crest. Loved the Jersey shore! Nothing like it! Unique in its own right as Key West is.

The beaches were broad. Waves in the ocean. The big kind. You had to jump up or dive under each time one came by.

There was a lot of morning fog at the Jersey shore. Yesterday’s fog reminded me of it. I used to walk along the beach in the pea soup fog. There was something strange and exhilerating about it. Perhaps weird might be a better description. Whatever, I enjoyed it.

I spent the rest of the day writing and researching for friday’s radio show.

I was on my way into town last night. My intention was to stop at the Chart Room and then have dinner at La Te Da. As I approached the Yacht Club, I decided to stop in for a drink.

I never left.

Tuesday is pub night and Bobby Nesbitt at the Yacht Club. I ended up hanging at the bar and ordering small pickies and chatting with friends. Best of all, I was able to listen to Bobby Nesbitt!

I enjoy Bobby’s singing. Tonight he is at Aqua at cocktail time and tomorrow at the same time he is at the Gardens. Bobby Nesbitt fans can get their fill of him three evenings in a row.

The Key West Lou Legal Tidbit of the Day is going well on Amazon Kindle. Yesterday’s legal blog had to do with people declared dead who are not. They awake in a coffin or body bag later on. Generally just short of burial.

Such events are more common place than you would think. Two have occurred in the past six months. Obviously civil lawsuits follow. Somebody screwed up!

The blog also touches on embalming. Interesting. Not legally required in the United States, except under special circumstances. Generally not required world wide. Also, druggies inject embalming fluid. It contains marijuana. Gives a 3-6 day high.

You never know what you are going to learn here!

Golf this morning! I am anxious. I have not played in two weeks.

Enjoy your day!

2 comments on “

  1. Agh Lou! You're taking me back to when I was a kid. I grew up in NJ and spent every summer growing up down in Wildwood. The Jersey sure is a magical place.


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