Key West sun continues to shine!
Going to be warmer today!
67 degrees the projected high.
Tomorrow the low 70s.
The town is full. People partying. Bringing in the New Year in typical Key West fashion.
Since it was cold yesterday, I spent most of the day inside writing. I think the high was 59. My home is heated. It was the best place to be!
I did head out to the gym in the afternoon. I have become compulsive about the boxing and tread mill. Good for me! Hope it continues!
Many years ago, I bought a special cold weather jacket/coat for Syracuse games. Duffle type with a hood. Huge horizontal stripes. Bright orange and blue. Syracuse’s colors.
It is one of the things I got to keep out of my divorce.
I had it cleaned. The cleaners is across from Don’s Place. I picked it up after the gym yesterday. Everyone saw me walking by Don’s Place carrying the jacket. Kurt, Boomer, Joanie, etc. All smiling, laughing and I don’t know what. All wondering what I was carrying!
I did not even stop in! Waved and walked by! Only because I was in a hurry. The grandkids were waiting for me.
I stopped at Lisa’s. Golf teaching time.
Ally has a hoola hoop. I set the hoola hoop down in the mddle of the yard. Had each of them get their pitching irons and 3 balls each. Then showed them how to hit into the hoola hoop.
They will practice a bit each day till I get them back on the golf course.
Robert is doing well. Ally still a bit slow. Their one year age difference does make a difference! Ally moves swiftly to hit the ball. And continues to hit it till it gets within the hoop. She does not care which side of the blade she uses. Front or back. Just hit it!
I decided to leave her alone and let her do it her way. Eventually she will figure it out.
Big night last night! Syracuse opened its Big East basketball season. Against Providence. Syracuse won 81-74. A relatively close game. I thought Syracuse was going to blow them out. It was not to be. Providence hung in there. Syracuse played well, however. I think Providence was just better than most had anticipated. Providence has only lost 4 games thus far this season.
Tonight will be big also!
Bobby Nesbitt returns to Aqua. From 5:30 to 7:30. Broadway tunes at their best. The place will be packed. Not only is Bobby good, he is well liked.
Then at 9, it is Terri White again with her show Live From Broadway at La Te DA’s Crystal Room. A double hit of Broadway!
Terri is spectacular! Her show professional! An entertaining evening awaits!
There is a conflict in scheduling tonight. Much good entertainment on the platter.
At 9 also is the Larry Smith variety show at the Bottle Cap. Larry and Jenna hosting. The star of the evening is Kathleen Peace. An outstanding vocalist!
You’ve got it all, folks! Choices to be made! I will be skipping Terri tonight. Saw her twice already and most recently Monday evening. So it will be Bobby Nesbitt and Kathleen Peace for me!
Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is golf day. I am not playing. Not because of the weather. I have much writing to do today. Something had to give. So there is no misunderstanding, I am enjoying the writing as much as the golf!
I am publishing every day on Amazon Kindle. A legal blog a day. The blog is called the Key West Lou Legal Tidbit of the Day. Quick, short and timely. Sometimes opinionated. Today the topic is IRS Refund Checks Will Be Late!
Enjoy your day!
Hey Lou! We've met several times! Mostly at Donna and Terri's, I believe! Anyway, would you be so kind as to email me with your email address? I met two friends of yours, who live in Truman Annex, who wanted me to get in touch with you about a great condo in Harbor Place! I'm at:
Happy Holidays! Jimmy