Big day today!
I am all excited!
For two reasons. First, the Christmas spirit is upon me. Second involves Amazon Kindle.
Christmas time! Cooking, gift buying, decorated trees, Xmas music everywhere!
Lisa and Corey’s Christmas gift from me was delivered yesterday. A new dishwasher! Lisa’s broke down a year ago. She has been washing dishes by hand. No more!
I have Robert and Ally’s gifts. All wrapped! I assume they will not be able to read this blog. I am anxious to share with you what I bought them.
Golf clubs! Real ones!
Robert and Ally took lessons this past summer. I have had them at the golf course a few times since. Now they will have their own clubs. A bag included. Plus I got them tiny gloves, pink balls for Ally, pink tees too. Robert has white balls and white tees.
I am going to be one popular grandfather Christmas morning when they open the gifts. At least I hope so!
Ally telephoned me this morning. She was helping Lisa bake cookies. Told me all about it.
She also told me that the Christmas tree ball I gave her the other day was no more. Some how it ended up on the floor and her brother accidently stepped on it. I told her I would replace it next year. She asked, “Promise?” Of course!
The other reason I am excited involves Amazon Kindle.
I shall be writing another blog. Separate and distinct from this one. One legal issue a day. The new blog is a spin off from my radio show the Key West Lou Legal Hour. The Amazon Kindle blog is entitled the Key West Lou Legal Tidbit of the Day.
It will start publishing later today or tomorrow. Again, for those of you who have or are acquiring Amazon Kindle, the blog is called the Key West Lou Legal Tidbit of the Day.
The first blog itself is entitled “Beware…..Sharia Law!”
Every day a different issue.
Note carefully that this blog continues. Key West Lou’s My Life in Key West will be here every day as usual.
Yesterday golf! Easy! The weather a cool 70 degrees. Sun bright. Some wind. Perfect weather top play in.
I played with Don, Robert and Rob. All good golfers! Normally shoot in the mid 80s.
Don did yesterday. He shot an 85. Robert was a bit off with a 93. Rob was totally off his game with a 101. I thought at one point he was going to throw his clubs in the pond.
Louis played lousy also. 129. I have not shot that bad in months!
Obviously, I was the big loser. $12. Don the big winner.
Petra was missing from the golf course. Petra drives the refreshment cart. We all enjoy Petra. A Czech. She is the loveliest of the lovely! Petra recently took her citizenship test and passed! Good for her! She soon will be an American citizen.
We all feared Petra had been fired. As it turned out, she took the day off to Christmas shop with her children.
I Christmas shopped myself a bit more in the afternoon.
Hit the gym for a while.
Last night I had dinner alone at the bar at La Trattoria. Erin bartending. The place was packed. Christmas in Key West evident!
I intended to go to the Bottle Cap afterwards to catch Larry Smith’s Variety Show. I did not go. I was too tired. For some reason, I was tired by the 10th hole yesterday. So it was off to home and bed for me.
Terri had a show last night at La Te Da. To a full house! I am told a standing ovation after each song.
What a talent!
No radio show for me tomorrow. The station is closed for the day because it is Christmas eve. Music will be played instead.
Enjoy your day!
I've been reading this blog for a year or so and have seen many mentions of Terri White.
I did a search and found several videos of her.
I agree Lou, she is 1 great talent.
Glad I was finally able to see what you've been referring to.
Also a nice story about her roller coaster ride on Broadway.
Rich of Western Mass.
Hope this link ref. Terri White will work a bit better.