I will not complain about the weather here in Key West. The rest of the country is suffering much more. My hometown of Utica, NY is buried in snow. The temperature is 11-15 degrees. That is cold!
Permit me to share with you one item about the weather here. Not a complaint. Merely an attempt to be informative. The temperature dropped to 49 degrees during the evening!
I stayed in most of yesterday. Probably the weather. Then in the afternoon I headed over to the gym. It was a good work out! Especially hitting the big bag.
I returned home and wrote for a while. It was my intent to have dinner at La Trattoria. A little bit of Becha and Kathy. But the cold intimidated me. Especially the wind. Around 40 miles per hour.
I stayed home.
It was early to bed. I have heat on the second floor. None on the first floor. That explains it.
About three weeks ago, I had this divine intervention. I was leafing through a Lands End kids catalogue. Saw winter jackets. Those bulky warm things with hoods. Decided to buy Robert and Ally each a jacket. Glad I did! They are coming in handy in this weather!
I owe an apology to my friend Ray Sigismondi. He was Larry Smith’s featured guest Sunday night at the Wine Galley. I intended to go. I forgot. Sorry, Ray!
It was Ray’s 10th anniversary appearing on Larry’s showcase. Ray plays a crazy electronic guitar. Rock ‘n roll is his specialty. Every comment I have heard since the show is that it was absolutely outstanding!
Hollywood movie star Christian Slater has been vacationing here in Key West the past few days. He stopped in to hear Ray play. Big!
Enjoy your day! And stay warm!
Did you know there have been snowflakes reported in Marathon before? Not to stick so it didn't count for the weather geeks to count but it just goes to show that even in our Sub-Tropical climate, the weather can be frightful!
Lows were 29 degrees in Miami this morning and the FL Keys are in such a severe state of cold weather ice may form on bridges in the wee hours of the morning. Wind gusts at gale strength and tonight will be the coldest yet.
B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-! Get out the firewood and start a trashcan party as this is going to be the start of one mighty cold Key West winter.
See you in Hawaii my friends~