It’s cold in Key West!
I had to throw the quilt over me last night. Low 60s.
The cold does not seem to affect Terri. She sat outside all day rehearsing. She says if you are in the sun, it is ok. I do not agree. She also says the reason she spends so much time outside is because it is impossible to do so in New York City.
To top it off, she does not even dress for the weather. Merely shorts and a tee shirt.
One tough lady! Or perhaps… sensitive woman!
My yesterday was quiet.
It started with the gym. No problem in getting the boxing gloves on. My hands were not sweating. In fact, I did not sweat at all. It was impossible. The cool air prevented it.
Afterwards I joined my new found friends from the breakfast club at Don’s Place. For my usual glass of water.
For the uninformed, a Key West breakfast club is a bar where those who need a drink or two early in the morning go. Many are there when the doors open at 7.
My reputation may be on the line. Those who see me may think I need a morning pop or two.
I spent the afternoon writing and preparing for today’s radio show. But not outside. I am not built of the same stuff as Terri. Too cold for me!
Dinner was an event last night!
At Outback with Lisa and the grandkids. Corey had to work.
Robert and Ally are old enough now where we can converse. I enjoy them!
And can they eat! They devoured their meals! I do not know where their little bodies put all that food!
I stopped at Publix on the way home. I was out of everything.
As I moved around Publix, I saw a young man I thought had guested on Larry Smith’s show the evening before. Ruben. As I passed him, I told him how much I enjoyed his singing at the Bottle Cap. He looked at me quietly and said, “It was not me.”
I apologized and walked away thinking he probably thought I was trying to pick him up!
Oh, well!
A drunk and a gay in the making all in one day!
This morning the Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. Listen on the radio in the Florida Keys and Havana, Cuba at KONK 1500 AM on the dial. Better yet, watch and listen world wide on the internet at Timely and interesting material to be discussed. Controversial thoughts shared.
Love my daughter Lisa! As you know, she has an internet department store Via Key West. Yesterday she received her largest order ever! For 24 Key West bunt cakes. All at one time from one person. Big!
Enjoy your day!
Hmmmm, A "drunk AND a gay" all in one day? What vice today. Heroin?
HA! thanks for the laugh!
As a native Conch I can tell you that Don's place is infamous for early morning drunks. It is a seedy hangout for old farts who drink and all those contractors/painters/landscapers/construction/plumbers/electricians/trademen who have to have their morning dose of alcohol.
Is your painter not on the job at your house today? Check the bar at Don's.
Is your electrician drunk today? He had a liquid breakfast at Don's.
Can't find your plumber or carpenter today who should be working on your house? They are at Don's.
If Lou hangs out at this bar where everyone seems to know his name, I'll make bets this whole blog is a scam for a perpetual drunk who isn't at the gym and can barely hold it together long enough for his radio show.
Some drunks are so good at lying and maintaining it is impossible to know how much they have consumed over the years until they die from liver disease.
Hey Lou – are you sitting right now at the lowest scum hole bar in Key West? Betch you are!
Good radio show today. Interesting visitor..
Who was the woman that was in the studio before the visitor?