Key West weather continues to be spectacular!
I overslept. It is 9 in the morning.
The sun is bright. A few scattered white clouds. A breeze. The water blue and gliding along.
What could be better!
It was the gym for me yesterday morning. I am working out longer. My endurance is building. I boxed and did the treadmill.
Afterwards, I walked over to Don’s Place. For a glass of water. Rob bartendiong. We chatted briefly about golf.
The cupboard was bare again. So to Publix. A mistake. The wrong time.
I only had to pick up a few things. Everyone else was shopping for Thanksgiving. The aisles were crowded. People a bit testy. It was not a fun place to be.
I spent the afternoon outside sitting under the shade of the tiki hut writing. Terri was outside on the deck also. Singing and dancing about. I could almost do her show!
Then a nap. I try to get one in late every afternoon. A rejuvenator at my age!
Dinner with Jenna last night. At La Trattoria. Kathy bartending. Business slow.
Jenna and I spent a while after dinner sitting at the bar talking. She is an experienced TV personality. She is helping me with my radio show. I am trying to make it better.
Today is a big day! In about 2 hours!
Ally is in kindergarten at Montessori. The pre schoolers and kindergarten kids have their Thanksgiving party at 11. The children will sing and do skits. They will be dressed as Pilgrims and Indians. Then the big feast! Parents cook a whole Thanksgiving meal and bring it to the school. There will be many stuffed turkeys, sweet potatoes, vegetables, pumpkin pies and chocolate pies. Just as good as thursday’s meal will be!
When the kids are done eating, the adults jump in. Lunch will be terrific!
Donna and Terri are going also. Donna has 5 grandchildren living in Key West. Three have already been through the Montessori process. So she is old hat at this. Her fourth is 2 1/2 and attending pre school. This will be Terri’s first time. She is all excited!
Tonight, bocci. I know. It is tuesday. Bocce is thursday. However the season is over. We have two make up matches. One tonight.
We are playing Larry Smith’s team. It is a money match. Larry’s team is better than us this season. However, we hope to knock them off.
Enjoy your day!
Ok Lou – You seem to be "writing" quite a bit these days. What are you writing??? Do tell!