This is a special American day. It is National Constitution Day! A happy birthday day for that great document, the United States Constitution.
223 years old! The Constitution was signed by 50 plus delegates on September 17, 1787.
This day has been a special occasion from a legal perspspective since 2002 when then President Bush so decreed. Special events all across the land today will include celebratory events on college campuses. Part of Bush’s decree. Further per his directive, these events are financed with federal funds.
Locally, there will be a massive celebration at the Florida Keys Community College on Stock Island. It is co-sponsored by the Key West Civilian Review Board. Joining in the festivities will be the President of the Florida Bar Association, Maryanne Downs.
My radio show is this morning. I am doing the first 30 minutes in celebration of National Constitution Day. I will even have a guest for the first half hour. Stephen Muffler, the Executive Director of the Key West Civilian Review Board. Boring it will not be.
The second half of the show will include some factual tidbits I discovered about the Constitution, an inquiry as to where is the Mel Fisher Museum’s gold bar, a marijuana purchase in Montana, the Ines Sainz saga involving female sports reporters in a male locker room, two funny lawsuits of the week involving Nevada, Montana weird dumb laws and an impeachment trial going on in the United States Senate this very week.
The time is 10 am. KONK 1500 AM radio. Even better, watch and listen world wide at
It rained all day yesterday. Off and on. That is two days in a row. Highly unusual.
Bocce last night. I was concerned we might not be able to play. The courts are clay. They would be wet and I anticipated puddles.
No puddles. But wet. Damp wet. It was decided play could proceed.
Everyone was happy! No one wants to miss bocce here in Key West.
We played through the evening. It rained off and on. Generally light sprinkles. On one occasion, a bit heavier. But hearty folks all! The games went on!
You really had to throw the ball! The dampness caused the ball to roll slower than normal. Much slower. The goal in bocce normally is to get the ball close to the polina. Last night, it was to get the ball down the court. Distance was the key. Forget getting close.
We did good! Won 2 out of 3 games. Won the first 16-4. I thought…..oh boy! We are going to have a terrific night! Then we got beat in the second game 16-3. We won the final game 16-4 again.
It was fun!
I was headed for Don’s Place afterwards, when I decided I was hungry. Bad! I ended up at TGIFridays. All that wonderful greasy food! Wings, mozzerella sticks and potato skins.
So much for dieting last night! And at 10 o’clock!
I have a good attitude about dieting. Once it’s blown for a day, go for it! I returned home and ate a ton of cookies. Oreos.
Not good for my health I admit. But I felt terrific when I went to bed on a full stomach.
The sun is up. But I can’t see it. A large blanket of clouds overhead. Another rain day in the making I fear!
Enjoy your day!
You can go to TGIFridays without blowing your diet. They do have salads and veggie burgers and light menus. Just saying.
But oreos? And no milk? I think that is shameful!!!!