I really screwed up yesterday.
It’s a generational thing.
I noted on Facebook that someone wished everyone a Happy Hump Day. Humping to me is having sex. That is one of the ways it was referred to in my earlier years.
I thought the Facebook admonition nice. The practice of which also lent itself to good exercise. So I recommended and wished it upon everyone yesterday. Have a Happy Hump Day I said!
Lisa telephoned me later in the morning. Do you know what Hump Day means? Yes. I explained it to her as I have here. She said, no. It means happy Wednesday. It is to celebrate th middle of the week!
As I said, it is a generational thing. I prefer my interpretation. But I am willing to accept the new. With one observation. No wonder people seem to have less fun these days!
It rained big time yesterday! Off and on. Poured. Unusual in Key West. Even at this time of year.
We were on the first tee yesterday morning. It started coming down. We had to hurry back to the club house. The rain delayed our start about an hour.
Golf was fun despite the on again off again rain. I played with Don, Aaron and Dave. Plus a new guy. Michael. Michael is my doctor’s husband.
Michael had not played in a couple of months. He had a rocky front nine. And then his true self came through on the back. He was really hitting the ball!
I had a fair day. Hit some good shots. Some poor ones. Overall I was pleased. Even won $3!
Lisa and Corey had a meeting at Montessori for Robert in the early evening. So I babysat.
I ran a putting competition for them on the carpet. From 10 feet, each of them can drop a putt 2 or 3 consecutive times. They are improving! I had each of them read to me. Big improvment in just a couple of weeks. Especially in Ally. Then it was bath time. Neither wanted my assistance. They draw their own water, bathe themselves, wash their hair and returned to me in their pajamas.
After Lisa and Corey returned, I headed over to Outbacks for dinner.
Key West’s Outbacks is an interesting place. All locals. Rarely a tourist. Everyone knows everyone. I enjoyed my dinner and the peole I ran into. I had a 6 ounce sirloin and a baked sweet potato with nothing on it. Protein and good carb. I cheated on the golf course, however. We were running late because of the rain and I was starving. I had a hot dog!
Bocce tonight!
Love bocce!
There are 12 courts. Twenty four teams. Anywhere from 4 to 14 members per team. Around 120 will play. Plus spectators. Those assembled are from all walks of life. From the homeless to professional and business people. From gays to staights. All having a fun time.
My health kick fommented some comments. Some adverse. Some ventful. OK by me. Enjoy receiving comments. Good, bad or indifferent. That means I am being read. A bit of controversey never hurt.
The initial success of modern day America started with the World War II generation. After the fighting was over, they wanted the best for themselves and their families.
Then came the next generation. Their children. I am one of them. I was born in 1935. Was 5 to 10 years of age during the years the war was fought.
We took the tools our parents provided. Primarily education. And worked to make America an even better place for us and our children.
We did pretty good.
With one mistake. We made made it too easy for our children. They are the baby boomers. I look upon them as the age of entitlement. The wantabees. They want everything. They expect everything. But do not necessarily want to work as their parents and grandparents did.
There is a greed factor to it.
I suspect such is a major reason we are in the economic predicament of today.
This same genration is less tolerant of others. Perhaps they have not lived long enough to realize life changes as we age, as do our wants, desires and needs.
When I was younger, I sailed a lot. Used to live 4 people on a sailboat for two weeks at a time. Dove. Swam. Ran. Walked. Worked out.
I was always dieting. Watching what I ate. My weight problem is more a genetic one. My body is like my mother’s. She was big! I have always fought it. So I have dieted all my life.
There comes a time when a person does not want to sail any longer. Sailing does not turn me on anymore. The one or two times a year I have a desire to be out on the ocean blue, I telephone one of my many friends with a boat. I used to swim an hour a day. Healthy though it may be, it does not turn me on anymore. Nor does the sun. I was always lying out in the sun. No more.
I am 75. I do what I want. As it should be.
Only those a bit older may understand what I am about to say. At a mature age, the body dictates what you can and cannot do. What you will and will not do.
Tomorrow is Friday. Radio show time! The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. KONK 1500 AM radio. Watch and listen world wide on the internet at http://www.konkam.com/.
I have a guest tomorrow for the first half hour of the show. Stephen Muffler. Stephen is an attorney, Executive Director of the Key West Civilian Review Board and teaches constitutional law at the college level in Miami.
Tomorrow is National Constitution Day. Stephen is joining me to discuss the day and constitutional issues. Should be interesting! Join us, if you can.
Enjoy your day!
I agree with your post in so many ways especially about the entitlement issues we face with the baby boomer generation.
I could write a book about how the children of the greatest generation have screwed up the world. Anyone born between 1946 and 1960 have a lot to answer for and one of them is why they feel the need to belittle those that came before them and why they feel the world owes them so much.
The legacy the baby boomers are leaving behind has changed the world and not for the better.
They greatest generation could not have predicted that their children would become the greediest generation in history.
Love your blog. Eat what you want and enjoy your life. You've earned it! Besides, no one ever said on their death bed they wished they had worked more.
I think "Happy Hump Day" can have whatever connotation you choose for it. I do laugh when I hear "Happy Hump Day" wished on the radio, or TV.
I'm still in my 20s, and I have to urban dictionary what kids are saying these days to understand their "lingo."
The problem lies in the fact that the baby boomer generation of wannabees who look out only for themselves are raising a bunch of money loving materialistic children who are the most ill-mannered spoiled brats I have ever seen. Not only do these kids of the 'me' generation feel they are above it all, the best ever, the only thing that matters they also feel that their 15 minutes of fame is rightfully due them and will youtube their aggressive nature and stupid antics for all the world to see. No wonder with the parents that raised them to believe there are no winners or losers in the game of life and that they are special beyond compare. I have horrible visions of what the world will be like in 20 years or so when they are running the country. No, not a baby boomer here but part of the 'lost generation' just after the boomers before the gen-x's. Just call us the lost generation who got screwed and are now paying the price for the excess of our older brothers and sisters.
one of your best yet lou. i am 43 and we do say happy hump day. always have. amen to all you said. didnt know you were environmental law. tied up with dhec on a vcc clean up now.brown field. would love to talk to you sometime. sunny . hot . and 94 degrees in columbia,sc……….BYRDMAN
*** begin quote ***
I suspect such is a major reason we are in the economic predicament of today.
*** end quote ***
May I disagree with your "major reason"?
I'm just fat old white guy injineer, a decade younger than you, but I look further back in history. And it's a multiple part answer.
❶ The Progressives pulled off a silent coup in several areas during the woman sufferage movement. Giving women the right to vote, giving universal suffrage, and detaching the right to vote form owning land — all set the wheels in motion.
❷ Prohibition was the direct result of the women's vote. That started organizaed crime. That justified the FBI and the Gooferment getting into the policing business.
❸ The Progressives got the Gooferment into the school business. It's was allowed to propagandize future voters. Remember the Prussian school model was to make cannon fodder for the Army, good workers for the factory, and pliable idiot voters to be led by the elite. (Where DO politicians send their kids to school?)
❹ The Progressives created the Federal Reserve System. That allowed the Gooferment to spend without raising taxes. That was key. Up to that point, prices always declined. After than, inflation was institutionalized. From 1913 to day, the dollar has lost 99% of its purchasing power.
❺ FDR took us OFF the gold standard, got social security, and created wage / price controls. The gold standard restrained the Gooferment's ability to print money. Social Security destroyed the multi-generational family — Grandparents could afford to retire to Florida. Wage Controls set up the benefits trap that Obamacare will supposedly rescue us from.
❻ The Progressives passed the Sixteenth that allows the Gooferment to grow unchecked by taxation; Milton Freedman created withholding to fool folks into accepting it.
❼ Johnson's welfare warfare state just destroyed the inner cities and made everyone dependent on the Gooferment dole.
So essentially there are SEVEN reasons we, future generations, and the soon to retire are so screwed. The ability to vote — with its subsequent social change, welfare, and warfare — was the reason.
Voters have to have a stake in paying for what they vote for.
We are SO screwed. I'm not sure we can avoid the fate of the USSR.
*** begin quote ***
I suspect such is a major reason we are in the economic predicament of today.
*** end quote ***
May I disagree with your "major reason"?
I'm just fat old white guy injineer, a decade younger than you, but I look further back in history. And it's a multiple part answer.
❶ The Progressives pulled off a silent coup in several areas during the woman sufferage movement. Giving women the right to vote, giving universal suffrage, and detaching the right to vote form owning land — all set the wheels in motion.
❷ Prohibition was the direct result of the women's vote. That started organizaed crime. That justified the FBI and the Gooferment getting into the policing business.
❸ The Progressives got the Gooferment into the school business. It's was allowed to propagandize future voters. Remember the Prussian school model was to make cannon fodder for the Army, good workers for the factory, and pliable idiot voters to be led by the elite. (Where DO politicians send their kids to school?)
❹ The Progressives created the Federal Reserve System. That allowed the Gooferment to spend without raising taxes. That was key. Up to that point, prices always declined. After than, inflation was institutionalized. From 1913 to day, the dollar has lost 99% of its purchasing power.
❺ FDR took us OFF the gold standard, got social security, and created wage / price controls. The gold standard restrained the Gooferment's ability to print money. Social Security destroyed the multi-generational family — Grandparents could afford to retire to Florida. Wage Controls set up the benefits trap that Obamacare will supposedly rescue us from.
❻ The Progressives passed the Sixteenth that allows the Gooferment to grow unchecked by taxation; Milton Freedman created withholding to fool folks into accepting it.
❼ Johnson's welfare warfare state just destroyed the inner cities and made everyone dependent on the Gooferment dole.
So essentially there are SEVEN reasons we, future generations, and the soon to retire are so screwed. The ability to vote — with its subsequent social change, welfare, and warfare — was the reason.
Voters have to have a stake in paying for what they vote for.
We are SO screwed. I'm not sure we can avoid the fate of the USSR.
*** begin quote ***
I suspect such is a major reason we are in the economic predicament of today.
*** end quote ***
May I disagree with your "major reason"?
I'm just fat old white guy injineer, a decade younger than you, but I look further back in history. And it's a multiple part answer.
❶ The Progressives pulled off a silent coup in several areas during the woman sufferage movement. Giving women the right to vote, giving universal suffrage, and detaching the right to vote form owning land — all set the wheels in motion.
❷ Prohibition was the direct result of the women's vote. That started organizaed crime. That justified the FBI and the Gooferment getting into the policing business.
❸ The Progressives got the Gooferment into the school business. It's was allowed to propagandize future voters. Remember the Prussian school model was to make cannon fodder for the Army, good workers for the factory, and pliable idiot voters to be led by the elite. (Where DO politicians send their kids to school?)
❹ The Progressives created the Federal Reserve System. That allowed the Gooferment to spend without raising taxes. That was key. Up to that point, prices always declined. After than, inflation was institutionalized. From 1913 to day, the dollar has lost 99% of its purchasing power.
❺ FDR took us OFF the gold standard, got social security, and created wage / price controls. The gold standard restrained the Gooferment's ability to print money. Social Security destroyed the multi-generational family — Grandparents could afford to retire to Florida. Wage Controls set up the benefits trap that Obamacare will supposedly rescue us from.
❻ The Progressives passed the Sixteenth that allows the Gooferment to grow unchecked by taxation; Milton Freedman created withholding to fool folks into accepting it.
❼ Johnson's welfare warfare state just destroyed the inner cities and made everyone dependent on the Gooferment dole.
So essentially there are SEVEN reasons we, future generations, and the soon to retire are so screwed. The ability to vote — with its subsequent social change, welfare, and warfare — was the reason.
Voters have to have a stake in paying for what they vote for.
We are SO screwed. I'm not sure we can avoid the fate of the USSR.
*** begin quote ***
I suspect such is a major reason we are in the economic predicament of today.
*** end quote ***
May I disagree with your "major reason"?
I'm just fat old white guy injineer, a decade younger than you, but I look further back in history. And it's a multiple part answer.
❶ The Progressives pulled off a silent coup in several areas during the woman sufferage movement. Giving women the right to vote, giving universal suffrage, and detaching the right to vote form owning land — all set the wheels in motion.
So essentially there are SEVEN reasons we, future generations, and the soon to retire are so screwed. The ability to vote — with its subsequent social change, welfare, and warfare — was the reason.
Voters have to have a stake in paying for what they vote for.
We are SO screwed. I'm not sure we can avoid the fate of the USSR.