My good friend, everyone’s good friend, Yankee Jack, died March 14. As he was arriving at the Bull and Whistle for his afternoon gig.
I just learned of Yankee’s death yesterday. Thus far, no obituary.
I first met Yankee nearly 20 years ago. There was a group of us that met wednesday mornings to play golf. 8:45 religiously each week.
Yankee was a big guy. Overwhelmingly so. Four hundred pounds plus. A heart as big as his body.
Yankee would periodically diet. Knock off 70 pounds. Nothing at his weight. Then give up and begin eating again. He required big time fueling.
Yankee knew the best places to eat and where he got the most for his money. A double course of everything.
Yankee was a composer and entertainer. Always writing songs. When I first met him, he had divorced for the first time. He wrote a song with a line that fit his situation: I can’t get over her till she gets out from under him!
He played all over the Keys. Had two steady jobs in addition. For many years at the now long gone Quay. Then, the Bull and Whistle.
Summers he left Key West and worked his way up the eastern seaboard. His ultimate goal Saranac Lake. Deep in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State. He would spend two months at a resort in the woods entertaining. The same gig for years.
A humble man. Always ready with a joke.
A hell of a golfer. When he got his ass into his swing, the ball went miles. Yankee suffered one golfing problem. One that confronts most golfers. He rarely hit the ball straight. It was either to the right or left.
Yankee always thought he hit farther than he did. He would be 50 yards ahead of his ball looking. It was always far behind him. He was lucky he never got hit by a ball from the rest of our group hitting behind him.
I liked Yankee. Everyone liked Yankee.
A friend is gone.
Spent yesterday afternoon researching for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Interesting topics. Including 40 New York millionaires who wrote Governor Cuomo saying that taxes on the rich should be increased, coming attacks on Hillary Clinton, a paradise where everyone is divorced.
Also the move to have pornography declared a public health crisis, California self help re the drought, the Jewish mass migration from France and eastern Europe to Israel, Count Victor Lustig, Pope Francis being marginalized, and a California town getting rich growing cannabis.
Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou will air at 9 my time this evening. Join me.
I am occasionally asked why I always say 9 my time. I have listeners worldwide. They need to know my time so they can figure out their time to listen.
The Chart Room first last night. I had to get out. I was in 3-4 days. Glad I picked the Chart Room for my first stop.
Met Charlie at the bar. A Key West bartender. A Libertarian. As is the Chart Room bartender. Two interesting hours discussing politics and government with them.
Then to Outback. I craved prime rib. Sat at the end of the bar, read the newspaper and enjoyed a big red juicy slice.
Terrorists strike again! All over the news this morning. Responsible for 2 explosions at the Brussel’s airport and one at a metro station. Thirteen reported dead so far.
I let this thought out. Whenever attacked, reaction by that country follows. Generally, successful. Why can’t countries be proactive? Bring the fight to the terrorists. Do not wait for them to attack first.
Enjoy your day!
Yankee Jack, thats sad to hear. Listened to him at the Bull a week or so ago. Always liked him, especially when he used to play with Jeannie.
Yankee jack
A true keyless I con
The place will not be the same
I agree. A gentleman. I am pleased to have called him friend.
I just read that Yankee Jack was gone. I saw him several times in Key West an always enjoyed his show there. I have his some of his CDs and listen to them often. One of my favorites.
I just googled him to see if I could buy another CD and got the bad news
A kind man. Good hearted. A made you feel good person.
We miss you Yankee Jack! The Keys won’t be the same without you!
Janet & John – “The Canadians” as you called us!
It has been over a year and I just found out that Yankee Jack had died. It has been a few years since we were last in Key West, but we always went to see him perform. We play his CDs at home. To think that he is gone is very sad.
I agree. Yankee was the best. A unique individual. The Lord broke the mold after making him.
I,am so sad,just found out Yankee Jack is gone.I knew him for years.Where can we get CD,S and his book.I,ll miss him lots and his music.Our beach walk. MJ
I do not know. I would suggest you search for his book on the internet. Try amazon. His author name should be sufficient to locate it. Same thing as to his CDS, a Google search. Good luck!
My husband played golf with Yankee Jack when we lived in Key West. We used to go listen to him often at the Quay. Sad to hear of his passing. Guess Yankee and my Husband are now playing golf together again and sharing funny stories and joking around. You boys enjoy yourselves! Miss you both!
Your husband is probably yelling at Yankee to get out of the way. Yankee always drove ahead of the group looking for his ball. Never worried about someone hitting him.
I just learned of Yankee Jack’s passing. I’ve known him longer than most since I knew him as John Pitterino, a classmate of mine from grades 7 through 12 in Arlington,MA. John.. I hope you’re singing up a storm up in Heaven right now. You’ll be truly missed.
I met Jack in 2001 on a great visit to Key West in 2001. Jack even allowed me to sing with him (one song before I was ejected fro the stage) at the Bull!
His song to his Daughter, “Sun on the water”, pretty well told everyone who heard it what a deep person he was!
I wanted to look him up since my Son is coming to Key west next month but saddened by his passing!
We always enjoyed listening to Yankee Jack at The Bull and at Sugarloaf KOA! It was at the Sugarloaf KOA that Kent and I were married back in 2011 and Yankee Jack played at the Pub that night. We had a great night with friends at KOA and our family and friends from home! Everyone enjoyed Yankee Jack and his music! A special memory!
A special man.
God speed, YANKEE JACK
Kathy and I met Yankee Jack 30 years ago in Key West. Over the years we became one of his thousands of friends, he and
Sally at the Qyay were the best, Jack-loved my wife more than me, Go Figure,
Claude & Kathy DILL
We have many of his music if you need
We used to supply Yankee Jack with Keyboards and supplies from Massachusetts. We would spend hours on the phone and everyone in the store needed to talk to him. I always told him I was coming to Key West to see him, and never made it down. This year I decided to find him, and I discovered this bad news. I hope you are now entertaining some of my other friends that I miss so much.
Bill and Marta
Nashua, NH
• 10hr only $79 – 30hr only $169!
Hung out with him in Marshfield Ma. A seacoast town. He worked in seafood. An outstanding human being!! Miss seeing him when he came back for the summer.
Yankee Jack used to play golf with Art Dellasandro from Arthur & Pats from Brant Rock at Green Harbor Golf Club in Marshfield MA. I had the pleasure of playing with them several times. Those two scoundrels would make outlandish bets on their golf games. Neither one could play worth a $hit, but loved the game. Great memories of two fun guys to play golf with. I was the handicap chairman there and really had my hands full with those two characters. God rest your souls Jack & Art. Sorry I never made it to Key West to see him perform.
Ron Comperchio
My late husband Michael J. Frogg played with Yankee Jack for many many years. Yankee Jack was a loving kind hearted person.
I agree. A rare individual.