Where do I begin?

Let me start with the Key West Citizen by whatever name it is called today. I have read the Citizen for the 30 years I have been a part of Key West. Thought it was too short back then and too expensive. Nothing has changed, except it is even shorter and more expensive today. Yet, I still read it! Why, I cannot explain. 

There is less Key West today and more of the rest of the Keys and the world beyond. An article in today’s Citizen is titled “Why Are So Many Christians So Cruel?” It is a copy of an Opinion piece by David French which appeared in the New York Times 12/22/24. Not a normal article for the Citizen. However, I am glad it was published in the Citizen since I missed it in the Times. It is one of the finest writings I have read in years. I recommend it to you. Read it in today’s Citizen or the 12/22 Times.

The piece is long. I merely paraphrase a bit here. 

French wrote: “Why are so many Christians so cruel?” He discusses “church hate.” Claims “christian beliefs can be especially angry and even sometimes vicious.”

French wrote re Christian thinking: “The faithful, those who possess eternal truth, believe they are entitled to rule…..might makes right and right deserves might…..believe your (their) ideas are just and right, then it is a problem for everyone if you (they) are not in charge…..it is what’s best for your neighbor, and what’s best for your neighbor is, well you.”

French compares today’s Christians to Jesus. Jesus was humble, today’s Christians are not.

He adds Christian ambition “becomes cruelty.” Christians become convinced opposing beliefs are “rooted in arrogance and evil, so they lash out…..seek to silence and destroy…..enemies.”

The preceding is only a touch of French’s article. Read the whole thing. A frank, honest piece. 

To the Palisade fires in California. Horrible! Already more than 1,000 structures destroyed. You can see the fire and flames on TV. 

Two observations.

Money. As I recently wrote, these natural disasters must stop. We must find a way. Government monies at some point will run out. Insurance companies will fail, unable to pay the damages they were supposed to. Everything will become too expensive financially. I kid you not! There is a limit to everything.

The other observation involves Trump. Trump believes more in starting fights than resolving problems. He claims the uncontrolled fires are the fault of California’s Governor Newsom. Trump claims Newsom has not managed the water problem effectively. As the Governor responded, the problem is the sudden huge demand for water. Look at all the people hosing down their homes, all the water being sprayed from the ground and air to put out the fires.

Four years ago, Trump said the reason for the California fires were that the State did not rake the ground leaves in the woods. How ridiculous can one get?

This is no time to play politics. It is time for everyone from Washington to California to work on resolving the fires and helping those without homes, water and food at the moment.

Anything going on that should not? It has been reported that Trump and Alito have recently met. The claim is their talk was just before Trump filed to delay his tomorrow sentencing in New York.

Alito denies that he and Trump talked about any matters before the Court or would be coming before the Court. Alito claims the discussion solely involved Trump offering him a job.

I would not believe either man on a stack of Bibles. Both have a history of speaking with tongue in cheek.

On this day in 2024, St. Paul, Minnesota became the first large U.S. city to swear in an all female City Council. Six of the seven members were of color and all were under 40 years of age.

Crazy laws have been passed over the years. Some still remain on the books, though rarely enforced.

New York in 1902 outlawed “flirting in public.” Defined as a man turning around on a street and “looking at a woman in that way.” First offense $25, second the man had to wear “horse blinders” whenever he went on a street.

Adultery has been a crime in New York since 1907. Rarely applied. Today, punished by 90 days  in jail or a $500 fine.

New York a “strict state.” It is illegal for a woman on the street to wear “body hugging clothing.” If enforced today, think of the number of women who would end up in jail!

Iowa and Pennsylvania have strange laws still on their books. In Iowa, a kiss cannot last more than 5 minutes. In Pennsylvania, a man cannot purchase alcohol without the written consent of his wife.

Shakespeare quotes are still with us today. They will surprise you: “Break the ice, in a pickle, love is blind, green-eyed monster, cold-blooded, salad days, dead as a doornail, cruel to be kind, forgone conclusion, knock, knock! Who’s there?, one fell swoop, and the world is your oyster.”

J.C. Penny and Eddie Bauer are merging.

Columbus saw mermaids! Yes, even back in his time. It was this day in 1493, Columbus was sailing near the Dominican Republic. Claims he saw “three mermaids.” In reality, manatees. He commented: “Not as beautiful as they are painted.”

I think he had been without the sight of a woman too long.

The weather has not improved yet. It was 59 degrees at 7 am. The high today again will only be 63.

I’m cold!

Enjoy your day!


    • What does Jesus loving all of us have to do with Lou’s blog?

      Are you trying to proselytize Lou and his readers, or did you work out a deal with Lou to take over his blog for your own use?

  1. Fire House is just that same old hateful troll, who posts with several different names. He/She is an example of hate and apparently a Christian, judging from this particular post.

    How he/she knows what Christ thinks/thought is just conjecture and based on constant dogma. Let’s not forget, the Nazi’s were Christians and they seemed to be consumed with hate!

    Today is no better – consider our elected political leadership!

  2. It is an natural condition, usually based on a false sense of entitlement, usually based on those possessed with personal conceit.

    • Hi Larry,

      Please explain your criticism, I do not’t see where in my original post I asumed ANY particular gender, apart from the two types I am aware of.

    • Hi Larry,

      Please explain your criticism, I do not’t see where in my original post I asumed ANY particular gender, apart from the two types I spoke of.

      • Nate, I don’t believe your bigoted, hate filled reply to Firehose needs any explanation. Regardless of what Firehose said, you should know better.

        • Larry, know better about what?

          ….and who’s talking (or accusing me) about being “hate filled?”

          You specifically said that I “shouldn’t azzume anyone’s gender. Especially if you’re only listing two of the possibilities.” What other gender’s are their, or are you just trying to be a troll and change the actual subject of what I said and believe?

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