I suspect I look for that which no longer exists. Honor in the Halls of Congress. Especially the Republican dominated Senate.
I thought we had it when Mill Romney had the courage to stand against his fellow Republican cohorts and vote for impeachment on one of the charges levied against Trump.
I was wrong.
Romney had his second shot at character when it was announced a Senate Committee he sits on was going to vote this monday on issuing a subpoena in the Hunter Biden/Ukraine matter. The hearing shades of Benghazi.
Romney said 2 days ago the move was “politically motivated.” He added he did not know which way he would vote.
He told us yesterday. He is voting to issue the subpoena. Had he not, the vote would have failed and the bogus issue removed from the Presidential campaign to a significant extent.
Honor is adherence to what is right. The term is used to describe people of high moral worth.
Romney failed to qualify.
Seeds of rebellion being planted? Does Trump want physical/military type confrontation between the federal government and the local governments?
He keeps pushing. Shoving what most people believe is wrong in citizens’ faces.
ICE and sanctuary cities the issue.
Certain states and cites have passed sanctuary laws. California has one which prohibits the arrest of a person on charges involving immigration if such person is at a court house for a hearing on another matter without first obtaining a court order.
The scenario occurred in San Francisco. An illegal immigrant was on the court house steps on his way into the building to appear re a criminal charge in another matter. ICE arrested him.
San Francisco is upset. The third time in 1 year such has occurred. San Francisco has advised it will provide legal representation to the man arrested re the ICE arrest.
ICE takes the position they are federal agents acting under authority of federal law. State or local laws are subservient to federal law.
San Francisco does not agree. There are instances where federal law is subservient.
I hope this particular matter will be resolved in the courts. Not in the streets.
Trump has ICE, the elite Border Patrol and “special agents” working in unison to make these arrests. People and local governments will not tolerate such troops and their military equipment on their streets. There still is a United States of America.
Trump and Pompeo made what they perceived as a great deal with the Taliban to end the 20 year old Afghanistan war. Two weeks have not passed since it was signed.
The Taliban are on a killing spree. Obvious it never intended to be bound by the agreement. The U.S. has at least one time committed its fighter planes to an attack.
Neither Trump nor Pompeo are negotiators of any worth. State Department types are required in entering into these agreements. A real estate contractor and his West Point graduate aide lack the necessary qualifications.
Trump pushed for the agreement so he could go to the American people and say he ended the 20 year old Afghanistan war. No matter how Trump phrases it, the majority of American people will not buy his bullshit. They have been lied to too many times.
Poor Mick Mulvaney. He misspoke one time too many. Trump finally got rid of him.
Mulvaney lost his job as Acting Chief of Staff yesterday. Republican. Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina has been appointed to replace him.
Mulvaney has been demoted to the position of Special Envoy to North Ireland.
Better he quits and goes home.
Mulvaney is the perfect example of a person who sold his soul to the company store. He got what he deserved.
Seems like I will be doing a coronavirus update daily. Following are my today observations, comments, etc.
As the number of coronavirus cases rise, so do ammunition sales. Yes, people are buying more bullets. Sales are soaring. More than hand sanitizers are flying of store shelves.
Gun owners are in a “rush to be prepared” for whatever government action re the virus may follow. It is part of the coronavirus panic.
Lets put the situation in perspective. From 2/23 to 3/5 ammunition sales quadrupled. In less than 2 weeks.
The lobster industry is taking a death blow. In the United States, Canada and Australia. China cancelling the New Year celebration especially hurt. Lobster prices have dropped dramatically.
The fatal blow began with Trump’s trade war. Followed then by coronavirus.
One Maine Company shipped 1,000 boxes of lobsters a week. Now down to 120 boxes. Employees being laid off.
Another Maine company was forced to sell 50,000 pounds at a loss. Eight of 14 employees have been laid off.
A Canadian company reported its sales were down to 5 percent of its normal volume.
Not only are U.S., Canadian, and Australian lobster businesses hurting, certain Chinese businesses also. Smaller restaurants and mom and pop grocery stores.
The 3,500 people on the Grand Princess cruise ship off California still sitting out there. Quarantined to their rooms.
Oh, what fun it must be!
Pence announced a few days ago that “all passengers and crew will be tested for coronavirus.” Yesterday he announced only 46 had. He made it sound like a big deal. Twenty one were found to have the virus.
The other 3,500 are waiting. For what? A place to dump them? Certainly not to be tested in the near future. We don’t have sufficient test kits at the moment for any number….even small.
Earlier in the week Pence also said, “Any American could be tested.” Yesterday, “We don’t have enough tests to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.”
The Association of Public Health Laboratories must be Trump/Pence friends. It announced, “We are not aware of any widespread testing shortages.”
New York City advised the federal government yesterday that the shortage of testing kits has “impeded our ability to beat back this epidemic.”
As of noon friday, less than 100 people had been tested in New York City.
Another federal official who appears to have trouble with the truth is Secretary Alex Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services. He claims the CDC has sent 75,000 tests to public health labs across the country. Where are they?
My last night consisted of the Chart Room and Shana Key.
Tammy working the bar at the Chart Room. The reason I stopped by. Love her! Had not seen her in a week.
When I arrived, I was 1 of 3 in the bar. Withing 10 minutes, there was no room even to stand.
The season in full bloom!
Mary Lou is a City Commissioner. She and husband Charlie came in for a drink. Good people. They were having dinner later at Pier 1.
Met a great guy from Hampshire, Illinois. About 40 miles outside Chicago.
Gary is an electrical contractor. He and his partners are in Key West with staff for a week long conference.
Gary’s wife Kathy was in their room sleeping. Gary and Kathy have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren.
Met Gary’s partner and his friend. My apologies. Cannot recall their names.
Gary and I had what might be described as a deep conversation. He of Polish extraction. I, Italian. Growing up as such.
I enjoyed his company.
Dinner at Shana Key. An Irish restaurant. Enjoyed corn beef and cabbage. The best in town!
Cow Key Bridge. The trauma begins tomorrow night.
Comcast somehow involved. Whatever Comcast will have to do will be done 3/8-3/10 from 10 pm to 5:30 am. One lane will be closed during those hours. All lanes will be open during all other hours.
The best part of today will begin at 4. Syracuse/Miami basketball. I plan on watching the game at home. Afterwards, I don’t know yet.
Enjoy your day!
Let Hunter be investigated. Then this “Bogus” issue can be put to rest and Biden can focus on the race.
That was the feeling about Hillary and those bogus missing emails, in the run up to the 2016 emails. There were something like 11 or more different investigative hearings on the subject, of which she attend all where she was required, none of which resulted in any charges brought against her. This was nothing but a series of political stunts brought against her, while she was running for the presidency. Huneter Biden is not even running for office and anything to do with this is purely to smear his father. There is no evidence what so ever to suggest he be investigated, let alone any reason to believe his father is involved. This is just another Republican scam intended to influence an election. Shameful cheating, really.
Hillary endured numerous appearances giving sworn testimony and survived. She is twice the person Trump is or will ever be.
That was the feeling about Hillary and those bogus missing emails, in the run up to the 2016 election. There were something like 11 or more different investigative hearings on the subject, of which she attend all where she was required, none of which resulted in any charges brought against her. This was nothing but a series of political stunts brought against her, while she was running for the presidency. Huneter Biden is not even running for office and anything to do with this is purely to smear his father. There is no evidence what so ever to suggest he be investigated, let alone any reason to believe his father is involved. This is just another Republican scam intended to influence an election. Shameful cheating, really.
Most likely they will be using that ammo to shoot their sick neighbors.
Maybe so, but more than anything else it is an insight to a troubled mind, significantly deranged.
You gun nuts were always so worried about how the government was going to take your guns away. What good are your guns now when it turns out their incompetence with keeping you safe from a virus makes your guns useless for any real protection from harm. Turns out guns aren’t what needed to make America Great.
Uhhh, then why are they stocking up? Deer season isn’t for a while yet.
Because they are weird and this is their security blanket? Who knows, it makes no sense does it? It is an obsession without a real purpose. One box of ammo should take care of an entire season of deer hunting, right?
The rule of law and respect for same is nearly non existent in DC at this point. Trump claims all investigations into his conduct are merely dirty politics but investigations he seeks are about justice. Trump is a con man and a low life, his credibility zero. If there is to be an investigation into Hunter it must be postponed. It is not Hunter that Trump and the GOP target but once again, Trumps political opponent. Trump is scared and he should be.
I retract my compliment to the Trump administration for the Afghanistan peace deal. Clearly it was without teeth and substance.
It is a joy to watch loyalist to Trump tossed out like garbage. It is painful to watch them continue to bow to the King after the fact.