Missouri Republicans refuse to give up the battle when it comes to abortion. Their latest move is proposing legislation which would allow women who receive abortions to be charged with murder.
Cold during the night. Temperature dropped to 66 degrees. Still 66 at 7 am as I write. High today will be 74. The cut-off point for we locals, most of whom who will feel chilled at that number.
My game plan was to go out for dinner last night. Never made it. Got hung up on a modern movie version of Shakespeare’s Tempest. Filmed in 1982. A great cast: John Cassavetes, Gena Rowlands, Susan Sarandon, Victorio Gassman and Molly Ringwald. Most scenes filmed on a Greek isle. The pressures of life a key theme.
This was Molloy Ringwald’s first movie. She played a teenager. Later went on to major filmdom success. My recollection was a movie called Sixteen kicked her into the category. She attempted a comeback in later years as a stage actor. I recall watching her perform here in Key West some 20 years ago during that time.
Though not her first, Susan Sarandon was a young Susan Sarandon. I apparently never saw her in those days. An absolute beauty! Magnificent eyes!
Yogi Berra quotes more humorous than accurate. One of his has the ring of truth in it, though not intended as such when made: “A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”
Today’s podcast some 6 years old. Made following a Trump visit to Key West.
Sears has only 12 stores left in the United States.
Richard Sears and Alvin Roebuck started Sears in 1892. In its early years, it was primarily a catalogue company. By 1969, it was the largest retailer in the world. Five years later, it moved into Sears Tower in Chicago. The Tower at 110 stories was the tallest building in the world. Today, only 12 stores remain. Why? The way of the world. Walmart, Amazon, and poor management.
Liz Cheney speaks words of wisdom when it comes to Donald Trump. She keeps ringing the alarm. Are people listening?
She is now contending that if Trump was back in the White House, his election would be our last election.
Climate change a major issue world wide today. The first ever international climate change meeting took place this day in 1915 in Paris. The group adopted the first global pact to fight climate change, calling on the world to cut and eliminate greenhouse gas pollution.
Obviously the agreement did not work well at all. No sanctions were imposed on countries that did not comply. We are still waging the battle more than 100 years later.
Grandson Robert Malcom published another interesting article re FSU football on December 10. A story re an official visit to FSU and commit by Turner Hickman as a future Seminole. NoleGameday.com.
For those of us who recall, two famous singers of yesteryear have birthdays today. Connie Francis is 86, Dionne Warwick 83.
Tonight, the Grand Cafe at 4 for Happy Hour. Everything half price. The entire menu. Part of the Grand’s thank you and in celebration of their many years of service.
Enjoy your day!