Only Donald could come up with the digital trading card gambit. A disgrace! Not for him personally. The man is incapable of feeling personal disgrace. The disgrace applies to the Presidency which he continues to insult.

Compounding the disgrace, Trump had the audacity to provide a 24 hour notice of the MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT which he made yesterday.

A baseball hero he is not. A clown he is. Clown cards however have no market, except perhaps initially to a limited market. Charging $99 per card, which will sell to a certain few initially: The MAGA nuts that follow him.

The money he collects does not go into a political fund. It is for his personal gain. He will only have to pay personal income taxes. If he remembers, of course.

Another Republican is in the news. Supreme Court Justice Alito. A return to fame for him.

During oral argument monday in a case involving LGBTQ rights, Alito made a joke about Black children and Klu Klux Klan attire: “You do see a lot of Black children in Klu Klux Klan outfits all the time.” Garnered a laugh from some fellow Justices and members of the  Court room audience.

Alito has been lambasted on social media since, and properly so, for the “joke’s inappropriateness.”

Nationally popular Mike Leach died this week at age 61. He was Mississippi State football coach.

Whereas the Chart Room has been my Key West haven, Captain Tony’s was Leach’s. He was a Key West regular. I am sorry to say we never met. He even had a stool with his name painted on it.

Leach’s favorite song writer and singer Jimmy Buffett. Who else. His favorite Buffett tune Last Mango in Paris.

Haircut with Lori yesterday. Her salon busy. Key West is busy. Suddenly traffic is heavy. Parking non-existent. Restaurants and bars busy, even by day.

I suspect the visitors are a new brand of snowbirds. Those who rent a house for $10,000 per month. Not those who buy and only use their second home part time.

Followed up my Lori visit with lunch at Hogfish. The luncheon crowd overwhelming. Sat at the bar to be waited on by Julia.

Julia a hard worker. She not only waits the entire bar, she also is the sole preparer of drinks for the entire restaurant. On a busy day like yesterday, she respectfully works her ass off.

I enjoyed the “workingman’s lunch.” A chicken parmigiana sandwich. Absolutely delicious!

Another exciting day ahead. A manicure and pedicure with Tammy at noon. I know, it’s a tough life. Someone has to do it. I am glad I can.

Today an important one in American history. On this day in 1773, American colonists boarded a British ship and threw more than 300 chests of tea into Boston harbor to protest tea taxes. The Boston Tea Party and other such events led to the Revolutionary War a few years later.

Syracuse/Cornell basketball tomorrow at 3 at the Syracuse Dome.

Enjoy your day!



  1. Like you say Lou, Trump is a disgrace, not for himself, the man is incapable of feeling personal disgrace. He is a disgrace to the presidency and to all Americans. At least decent Americans.

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