It was an emotional night again at the Democratic National Convention. Two tear jerker episodes definitely! Each proper in every respect.
One involved Tim Walz’s 17 year old son Gus. As his father was speaking, the camera settled on Gus in the audience. He was crying and shouting “That’s my Dad!” The boy has some deficiency problems. His reaction understandable regardless. The camera showed him to the other conventioneers. Gus’ reaction brought tears to their eyes.
The other involved the parents of 23 year old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Jon and Rachel. Hersh is one of the 8 remaining American hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. He has been in Hamas’s custody for 320 days so far. During his capture, he lost part of his left arm.
His parents want him back. Like yesterday. Their emotion a subdued one. Their pain obvious. At one point, Hersh’s mother doubled over in tears.
There was not a dry eye in the audience. Even I was crying as I watched. The crowd began chanting “Bring them home!”
What a Convention! Well planned. USA all the way. Hope and joy obvious. Patriotic. Very American.
Tons of great speakers. Including Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigieg and Oprah Winfrey. And of course, Tim Walz.
Clinton was his usual self. An orator. A spellbinder. He was allotted 12 minutes in the program. Typical Bill Clinton, he took 27. America loved every minute of it!
Pelosi was short and subdued. She always has been as a speaker, however. Her brilliance was in running the House of Representatives, knowing how to get the votes, etc.
I was amazed at the reaction Pete Buttigieg received when he walked on the stage. Outstanding! Loud! They were saying…..We love you Pete!
He may very well some day be the first gay President of the United States.
Oprah Winfrey was Oprah Winfrey. Brilliant! Right on! The first time she has spoken at a political convention.
I would like to say I enjoyed Tim Walz immensely. Cannot. I fell asleep again. Never heard a word he spoke. Any reference I would make would be from news reports read this morning. That is where I learned of his son Gus’ reaction.
Can’t help it folks. I am generally in bed about 9 and fall asleep soon after hitting the pillow. Eleven o’clock or later is too late for me. I tried to stay awake. Did not work. I hope Harris speaks earlier tonight.
Moving on to Key West.
The State Attorney has subpoenaed Key West City texts, emails and phone records of the entire City Commission, City Attorney and the City’s Chief Building official in regards to the firing of City Manager Al Childress in June.
Good! About time! It has been approximately two months since his discharge. I described the discharge in my 6/27/24 blog as a typical “Key West situation.” Let’s get to the bottom of it!
From the Citizens’ Voice yesterday: “Before you cite George Washington your ultimate moral authority, remember he was the largest slave owner among the first five Presidents with 317 in 1799.”
As a young man, Washington accepted slavery. However after the Revolutionary War, he began to question it. He avoided discussing slavery however fearful the bitter debate over the issue would tear the fragile nation apart.
Washington made his first anti-slavery statement upon his death. He ordered in his Will that his enslaved workers be freed at his wife’s death.
A postcard arrived a bit late.
In Wales. The post mark on the card is 8/3/1903. It arrived 121 years late. The person who sent it obviously dead. The house address no longer a home. Today, a bank.
No one knows why late.
The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was recovered two years later on this day in 1911.
It was stolen by an Italian Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia. He wanted to return the painting to Italy for viewing. Napoleon had stolen it from Italy years earlier when he plundered many Italian works.
There is no Buffett portion to today’s blog. My apologies. There is only so much time in a day between the Convention last night and some other matters that took my time during the day. There was no time to research and do a Jimmy Buffett portion.
Today a haircut. It has been five weeks. I have more hair than usual. Normally go bald. Lori will take care of it at noon.
Enjoy your day!
Can’t wait to see how Trump and his friends handle the issue with Walz’s son. I suspect amongst themselves are trying to somehow smear him (as say a “retard”) in an attempt to help trump.
These Republicans are not decent people.