Some things are too much for me. I have gotten too old. It is impossible for me to understand. Especially in the area of sex education.
Teaching kids sex is on some curriculums and seems to be in line for more.
A Warwick local school in the United Kingdom teaches 6 year olds how to masturbate.
Would you believe!
I did not know 6 year olds were into the art of self-pleasure. A few more years were required. At least it was in my case.
Why teach something that comes naturally. Once a youngster becomes aware of masturbation, whether male or female, the horses are off and running. You can’t do it enough!
There is a move in Austin, Texas to teach grades 6-8 anal sex.
California really wants to be on the cutting edge.
A new sex curriculum was proposed and adopted. Eighth graders were to be taught anal, bondage, sex involving blood. Shocking additions in a chapter labeled Kinky Sex: Role-playing, , bondage/restraint, body fluid play, and sex toys. A whole chapter on anal sex.
The California textbook was labeled SEX.
Juvenile sex experts claim sex as described “has become increasingly normalized in some progressive school districts.”
When California parents became aware of what was to be taught, they rebelled. The content described was pulled from teaching materials.
California has come up with another odd ball approach to a situation not involving sex. Suspension is no longer a viable policy to punish students who disobey. Since more blacks than persons of other colors were suspended, complaints came in from African-American peoples.
Since coloreds were disproportionately affected by the suspensions, they have been disallowed. No longer is suspension a viable punishment.
Yesterday, I published a lengthy blog titled Hippies and Mallory Square. In the article, I briefly mentioned 2 or 3 times that homeless were also a problem. I did not dwell on the homeless since there were not that many in the 1970’s.
This morning’s Key West Citizen ran a front page story involving 2 homeless persons and Mallory Square.
Homeless have many protections. The Mallory Square of today no way comparable to that of the 1970’s.
Key West has certain designated areas where the homeless can panhandle. One is located at Mallory Square.
Two homeless men got in a fight. A brutal encounter. One had to be flown to Miami for medical attention. The other is sitting in jail.
Today, a significant one in Civil War history.
Few are aware that during the Civil War the State of Florida seceded and joined the Confederacy, except for one city. Key West. It remained a part of the Union.
Why and its significance.
On this day in 1861 in the dark of the night the Civil War having become a fact, Captain James M. Brannan marched his Army troop to Fort Taylor and took command of the fort. Captain Brannan was commander of the Key West U.S. Army barracks.
His action ensured Key West would remain in the Union and provide the Union Navy with a secure base to blockade Southern ports.
Syracuse came out a winner Saturday night. A decisive one. Defeated 18th ranked Virginia 63-55 in overtime.
Syracuse won because of the number of 3’s that dropped in the overtime. I wish they could score those 3’s in every game.
A big win for Syracuse. Especially since it was a road game. The season remains a disaster however unless Syracuse can continue such play. Syracuse’s next game is Wednesday against Boston College.
America is a wonderful country. No question about it. An individual can move high in the business world and earn a ton of money. Employees in some industries do ok, but could do better.
A recent example. Boeing. The following was reported Friday.
Dennis Muilenburg resigned as CEO of Boeing. Boeing has been having big time problems with its 737. The fleet has been grounded world wide.
Muilenbug was out as CEO as of Friday. His payout $62 million.
At the same time, it was announced 2,800 employees were being layed off. Reason simple. With the 737’s grounded and no new orders coming in, there is no work available for those working on the 737’s.
The 2,800 employees each received 60 days severance pay.
Only in America!
It bothers me that more people are not upset by the lies Trump and now Pompeo throw at the public just about every day.
The most recent reported this morning by NBC News.
There has been confusion as to what the “imminent danger” was that allowed the Soleimani assassination. Yes, an “assassination,” not a “killing.”
The most recent White House explanation to the effect Soleimani was preparing to attack 4 U.S. embassies. Imminently. No factual proof to back it up. What embassies, when did the White House first know, etc. Just that it was “imminent.”
NBC reported the 4 embassy justification has no basis. Trump had agreed to Soleimani’s assassination 7 months ago in June. He conditioned his agreement to one thing. Wait till more Americans are killed.
Two weeks ago, 1 American was killed. Not a U.S. soldier, a civilian contractor. That was sufficient. The order was given and Soleimani assassinated.
NBC says it has received confirmation of its story from 5 current and former senior administration officials.
Defense Secretary Esper did the Sunday talk shows on behalf of Trump. Esper said he saw no evidence Iran had targeted 4 embassies.
Enjoy your day!
Trump always bragged that he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave and nobody would do anything about it.
And your point?
That is that he believes he is completely above the law, even so much that he can. Murder anyone and that nobody will do anything about it. Looks like this is one case where he didn’t lie,
So should we all be outraged that Soleimani’s life was cut short by Presidential order?
Soleimani = benign martyr?
Trump = murderer?
Are we a nation of laws, or not?
not at the border.
And Obama “murdered” Bin Laden.
Totally false equivalency, try harder!