Tattoos are not relatively new. Body decorations go back hundreds of years.

A study is presently being done on the bodies of more than 100 mummies from the Chancy culture, a group that lived on the Peruvian coast between 900 and 1500 C.E.

Today, more than 30 percent of Americans sport tattoos.

The Chancy tattoos used a much finer needle than is used today. Such required exceptional skill and effort.

I am seeing more “C.E.” following the years number. What does it mean? I looked it up. It is an abbreviation for “Common Era.” Numerically equivalent to A.D. Refers to the time period from the birth of Christ to present day. It is used as it is considered “religiously neutral.” The claim is many non-Christians objected to A.D. which is a a direct reference to Jesus as Lord.

Some things I do not understand. It is only recently I have come across/noted C.E. in my 89 yeas of life. When did it begin to be used and what group pushed it?

I shall be chastised re the following topic. Big time! Right is right, however. This may be a first for me. I compliment Donald Trump re his position involving the subject matter which follows.

The 2028 Olympics are to be held in Los Angeles. Years involved before receiving the designation involve planning, money and time. Selection is a big deal for a city economically and otherwise.

Certain Republicans, primarily MAGAs, are pigs. I do not include Trump in that grouping for purposes of this report.

A group solicited Trump to have the Olympics moved from Los Angeles to another city. The fires were used as the excuse. The claim was Los Angeles and California mismanagement the reason the fires got out of hand. Proof Los Angeles cannot handle the Olympics in 2028. It was pointed out to Trump that California was a blue state and should not benefit for that reason also.

The “conspirators” attempting to induce Trump to make the change included Newsmax’s Rob Finnerty and Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. Their thoughts and those of others was that the Olympics should be relocated to a “red city…..where you know things are gonna be” properly handled. What a joke!

Trump to his credit disagreed. A meeting was held this past wednesday evening at Mar-a-Lago involving Trump and Los Angeles Olympic organizers. Trump vowed to support the Games as part of the City’s comeback from the devastating wildfires. Trump said, “These are America’s Olympics. These are more important to Los Angeles and I’m going to be supportive in every way possible and make these the greatest games.”

Thank you Mr. President for not kicking a politically opposed area when it was down.

Trump’s Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bessert is against raising the minimum wage. It has been stuck at $7.25 an hour since 2009. Thirty states and a number of cities have increased the minimum wage on their own, however.

Bessert testified yesterday before a Senate Committee. Today his sex preference is popping up on the internet. He is gay. It should be of no consequence in this day and age. I thought we had moved past sex preference as an issue.

I advised yesterday that Obama, Bush and Clinton would not appear at Trump’s Inaugural. I reported it to you as I saw it on the internet. My information was wrong. Later publications indicated the three past Presidents would be present at the Inauguration ceremony. However they would not attend the luncheon to follow. Michelle Obama will attend neither.

Responsibility for deeds, good or bad, has a way of eeking out. It has been revealed that Nancy Pelosi was behind the campaign to remove Biden from the race. She and Biden had been friends for 50 years. Biden remains hurt from Pelosi’s behind the scene activities.

Trump has resurrected the Village People. His favorite musical group. The Village People will be performing at his Inauguration.

Trump’s favorite Village People tune: YMCA.

Biden is commuting the sentences of nearly 2,500 non-violent drug offenders. The commutations will extend to those serving long jail terms. Those who received harsher sentences for drug crimes that they would under current practices.

Biden said, “This action is an important step toward righting historic wrongs.”

I agree.

Eisenhower’s famous last words: “Beware the military-industrial complex.” He was correct!

The words were spoken this day in 1961 and were part of Eisenhower’s Farewell Address as President.

Today is the birthday of four famous persons. Each deceased. Benjamin Franklin, Al Capone, Muhammad Ali and James Earl Jones.

Witches were not only “popular” in the Colonies. On this day in 1775, 9 old women were burnt as witches for causing bad harvests in Kalish, Poland.

On this day in 1976, Barry Manilow’s “I Write the Songs” was introduced.

I close with Popeye. Why not?

Popeye made his first appearance in the comic strip “Thimble Theater” this day in 1929.

Enjoy your day!

6 comments on “TATTOOS NOT NEW…..WHAT DOES “C.E.” MEAN?

  1. Hey Lou, maybe Baraks inauguration invite will be a plus one and he can bring his rumored new girlfriend Jennifer Anniston!!

    • EYW is a persistent troll on Lou’s blog who delights is spreading untruths and outright lies, almost always with some sort of “smear” intent, never facts or something that actually matters.

      I for on think he should be speculating on how much $$ Donald Trump had to pay his so-called wife to attend.

    • More on the Trols:

      More than 20 Chinese migrants were found inside the back of a U-Haul truck in Coral Gables on Friday morning, according to police.
      They were just looking for the Souther most point!

  2. Lou posted – Thank you Mr. President for not kicking a politically opposed area when it was down.

    Sorry Lou, this guy pissed on our nation, our fallen patriots, the civil servants who protect us, the officers who defended the Capitol following his BIG LIE speech and continues to do so. He has set the worst example possible and did so in the most infantile manner possible. Let’s praise Rockefeller for handing out shiny new dimes to poor children while murdering poor workers at Ludlow in 1914.

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