In my other life as an attorney, I had a case where my client’s big old tree was hanging over the neighbor’s property, roots causing his driveway to heave a bit, etc.
The neighbor wanted the tree removed. The heaving driveway was a good argument. My client was destined to lose.
Counsel were standing alone before the Bench. No jury. Merely argument.
Opposing counsel made a good argument why the tree should come down. I knew before hand such would be the case.
When preparing opposing papers, I recalled Joyce Kilmer’s Trees. The closing stanza…..Poems are made by fools like me, / But only God can make a tree.
The lines were the basis of my argument. With three changes. I deleted the word “Poems” and replaced it with “Arguments.” I deleted “God” and replaced it with “Judge.” I deleted the word “make” and replaced it with “save.”
The new wording rhymed the same however…..Arguments are made by fools like me, / But only a Judge can save a tree.
I won. The tree survived. Joyce Kilmer the one who actually saved the tree.
Why Joyce Kilmer’s Trees this morning.
There is a 100 year old mahogany tree on Simonton. Across from the Gato Building. A huge branch hangs over the street. The branch has never been a problem. Until recently. The over hanging branch and a truck came into contact.
The truck had its roof ripped off. The truck the legal height. The branch illegal. Too low. No problem for 100 years. Now a problem. Cost Key West or its insurance company $9,000 for repairs to the truck.
Key West has a Tree Commission. The Commission wanted to cut the tree down. The public went crazy. Shouted a loud no!
The tree was saved. Legally it should have been cut down. However the public won out. A sign is going to be erected warning of the low hanging branch.
A popular result. One that will not prevent another accident from occurring, however. The City’s liability will then be two-fold.
The Kiss-In last night in front of the Custom House was a gigantic success. As reflected in the large front page photo in this morning’s Key West Citizen. The kissing looked good. Hundreds. Wish I could have been there. With a lady to kiss, of course.
My blog talk radio show was not aired last night. I could not connect with the broadcasting studio. Sloan tried also. She failed. We assume some technical problem at the studio end. I should know this morning. My apologies to all who tried to listen.
Had I known there would be technical difficulties, I would have been at the Kiss-In and later at Lynda Frechette’s Aqua Idol.
Dee called yesterday and invited me to Valentine’s Day dinner as her guest. The podcast show obviously interfered. We are scheduled to do it tonight. I look forward to being wined and dined by a much younger lady.
The Battleship Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor this date in 1898. Two hundred sixty American sailors killed.
In March, a U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry was held in Key West. At the newly constructed Custom House. Then a federal building.
One month later in April, the U.S. invaded Cuba. The Spanish-American War began.
Loud, proud, patriotic marching music is always tied to John Phillip Sousa. Tunes like Stars and Stripes Forever.
Sousa and his family arrived this date in 1925 from Havana. They checked into the Casa Marina where they were to spend a few days vacationing.
Enjoy your day!