Anush. Lovely. Charming. An interesting dinner companion.

We dined at Latitudes last night. A long leisurely meal. Great conversation.

Anush is 38. Born and raised in Armenia, she now resides in London. She has lived in Moscow. Well traveled. Vacations often. Typical of Europeans.

Taught for 12 years at Westminster College. Now a cyber security consultant.

She is on holiday. Miami, Key West and Atlanta. Has previously visited Washington. Several trips to the Bahamas. A trip to Buenos Aries.

Other places world wide. Cosmopolitan.

She is making good use of her time in Key West. Arrived wednesday night. Staying at the Marriott. A bite to eat at the bar that night where we met. Then to an early bed. Jet lag still affecting her.

Since thursday morning, she has visited the Little White House, attended the boat races, flew in a two seat open cockpit bi-plane for a half hour, and consumed oysters for the first time at Island Dogs. Last night (friday), dinner with Louis. Today to be spent scuba diving. All day.

She was excited by her time in Key West. Loved the laid back feeling.

Anush leaves Key West tomorrow to spend a couple of days in Atlanta. Then back to London.

I have discovered European women in my old age. Anna being an example. I like them. They are different. Different because from different cultures. The situation probably works in reverse, also. European men who visit the U.S. probably find american women different from those back home.

Whatever, a very pleasant evening.

My weekly interview to discuss this week’s KONK Life column yesterday. Dracula in the Operating Room. On 104.9. Don Riggs interviewed me from Phoenix.

Spent the afternoon researching what I thought would be this week’s KONK Life column. Women Priests. I could not put it together. I was not comfortable with what I came up with. Ergo, no Women Priests this week.

What, I am not sure. It is saturday morning and I have no idea what I am going to write. The article must be to the publisher by 5 tomorrow afternoon.

Divine inspiration will befall me. It always does.

Donald Trump. Will the American people ever tire of him?

He did not do himself much good thursday evening.  Asked, “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” He compared Carson’s childhood temper to that of a pedophile (without using the word). Told us how he would handle ISIS. Bomb the “shit” out of their oilfields.

There is a saying. Vine veritas. In wine, truth. Alcohol loosens the tongue. Being extremely tired does also. It was obvious Trump was dead tired. No excuse. The man’s inner self was exposed.

A Presidential election is like a marathon. Participants must pace themselves.

Poor Syracuse! Today, Syracuse plays Clemson. Number 1 in the nation. Undefeated. Syracuse somewhere around #68 with a 3-5 or 3-6 record. Syracuse a 29 point underdog.

Orange blood will flow today.

Never say never, however. It was September 29, 1984. A day never to be forgotten by Syracuse fans. Syracuse was playing Nebraska. Nebraska #1 in the nation. Syracuse a 25 point underdog. Syracuse beat Nebraska 17-9.

It happens.

The game is at 3:30. On ABC. Only because Clemson is playing. I plan to watch the game from the comfort of my home.

Enjoy your day!






Last night was interesting. I ate at the bar at Hogfish. My View From The Terrace.

Four couples at the bar. The ladies  had to be fish women. Each a beauty. Each with tanned and weather beaten faces that only come from being out on a boat all the time.

One of the ladies had a tiny dog. Not the smallest of dogs. A step up. The dog quietly sitting in her lap. The dog then sat in her man’s lap. Seated on the other side and next to the man was another lady.

The dog had his nose in the side of the woman’s breast. She turned around suddenly. I knew what was coming. She thought the guy was feeling her up. She started to say something and then paused for a second. Then laughed when she realized it was the dog. She said to the man next to her…..I thought you were feeling me up!

The bartender was young. He knew one of the couples. They said they had not seen him around town in a long time. He said yes, two years. He spends his days with his two year old. Nights working. Another on the way. My life is different, he said. And I don’t mind it!

One of the couples 50ish. Must be a relatively new relationship. Hugging and kissing away.

Another couple came in. Two guys. One a woman, I suspect. No, I would put money on it. A woman trying to pass herself off as a man.

Blond short cropped hair. Discernible breasts. A white man’s shirt. Kaki pants. Shirt tucked in. Tight waist. Spread hips.

They enjoyed a couple of drinks. She then pulled out a cigar. A large thick one. Lite up and puffed away. Knew how to smoke it.

Spent my afternoon yesterday working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting topics.

Topics tonight include six year old Jeremy Mardis and the court ordered gag on the case, the reason why the cost of food has soared the past three years, police organization planning to retaliate against Hollywood filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, the Catholic Church very similar to the U.S. Congress, Donald Trump and H.L. Mencken, and more.

This morning’s Key West History section had an interesting item. Bagatelle’s building was not always on Duval. Until 1974, the building was at 716 Fleming next to the library. It was moved at that time.

Weather very calm this morning. Nothing moving. A bit eerie.

Syracuse plays Clemson this saturday. Clemson is #1 in the country. Oh, well.

The Republican debates tonight 7-11. I will miss the first part of the first team’s responses. My blog talk radio show at the same time.

I cannot believe the debate by the #1 team will be any better than in the past.

We shall see.

Enjoy your day!



The cartoon on the editorial page of this morning’s Key West Citizen has boldly written thereon Welcome to “In Season” in Key West. No question, the season has arrived. Tourists everywhere. Walking and driving difficult. Everyone happy. Why not, they are in Key West!

Twenty six years ago when I first visited Key West, the  “in season” was February 15 to Easter Sunday Monday. The first two weeks of January were dead. The next two weeks a smattering of tourists. Things picked up the first two weeks in February a bit. Then the avalanche began on February 15. It was like a water faucet had been turned on. People gushing all over the place.

Things have changed. Most certainly. And for the best! Key West is a vacation town. Its only business is tourism. Better closer to 12 months a year than 2.

I felt like a man lost in the desert yesterday afternoon. I wanted to watch the Syracuse/Clemson game. The plan was to meet Dan and Lisa at Jack Flats. I got there early. No Syracuse game. Jack Flats did not carry ESPN 3. Hustled over to Don’s Place. He gets everything on his TV sets. Again, no game.

David came in while I was complaining and explained to me that ESPN 3 only airs on the internet and certain cell phones.

I learned something.

Never got to see the game.

Probably for the best. Syracuse got whipped by Clemson 66-53. Prior to yesterday’s game, Clemson was described as the worst shooting team in the ACC. They found the range yesterday!

I have no further comment re the game.

The weather was a surprise yesterday. The weather report said 70 in the afternoon and 68 in the evening. Cold for Key Westers! It was cold cold on my deck overlooking the water. The ocean breeze always adds to a  cool day.

I dressed accordingly. Long pants, which I hate to wear, and a heavy long sleeved shirt.

When I got out of the car in Key West, the temperature was 78. I had to walk several blocks to Jack Flats and back. Sweating! It was a shorts and tee shirt day!

I mentioned yesterday hearing from some Greek and Italian friends about four jihadists hiding somewhere in Greece. One of some importance. Later in the day, they were arrested in Athens. The leader was Abou Omar Soussi. He was arrested in Omonia Square. Just behind the Square sits the Monastiraki. A Greek restaurant where I spent some afternoons sitting outside and enjoying a drink and bite to eat. I sometimes sat there a couple of hours. A great place to people  watch.

The world seems to get sicker by the day. Generally in Africa and the Middle East. Yesterday, on a road in South Jersey. A baby was found on fire in the middle of the road. Suffered severe burns. No further news was available.

My apologies for ending today’s blog on such a sick note.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Sometimes I think I am beginning to lose it.

I thought I had an appointment to do a special stress test yesterday at 2. For some reason, it was giving me concern. I prepped for it. Stayed in thursday night. Missed the Bocce Party. Did not drink. Skipped lunch friday.

I walked into the doctor’s office, said my hellos and sat down. The receptionist walked over to me…..Mr. Petrone, your test is not till monday.

I went out last night and had a few drinks to make up for the previous 36 hours.

Jenna was my companion. A striking 28 year old woman! Does my heart good to be out with her on my  arm. Jenna advised we had not seen each other since Thanksgiving.

We started at the Chart Room. I had arranged to meet Don and Chris and Dan and Lisa for drinks. A good time. Good people.

Then it was Louis and Jenna off to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. The place was jam packed. People waiting for tables. The bar humming.

Jenna is good company. It is constant conversation.

Don and Chris showed up a bit later. They were having dinner at the bar. They return to Syracuse tomorrow. Will not be with us for the Syracuse game this afternoon. I probably will not see them again till April.

I am watching the game at 4 at Jack Flats with Dan and Lisa. I have never watched a game at Jack Flats. When I used to try, I never could get a seat. Dan assures me not to worry. He will take care of everything.

Syracuse plays Clemson at Clemson. Syracuse a one point favorite. We shall see. My enthusiasm is contained.

Something disturbing is developing in the United States. Actually, many things. The one that concerns me today are debtor prisons. In 10 States, you can go to jail if you cannot pay certain bills. Traffic fines, for example. The problem is the incarcerated soul cannot work while in jail. The sum owed grows. He is charged with the cost of his confinement and other expenses. The bill gets larger and larger. He can never get out. Sort of like a Mafia loan. If you could not timely pay, the amount owed would double.

My KONK Life column for next week is Debtor’s Prison. I hope to write the article today before leaving for the game.

Turn a wrong into a right. I speak of Penn State and Joe Paterno. Yesterday, Penn State and the NCAA voted to reinstate Penn State’s 112 game record. More importantly, they voted to reinstate Joe Paterno.

The Sandusky scenario a perfect example of mob rule. Someone had to pay besides Sandusky. It was Penn State and Paterno. Joe Paterno’s statue was removed from campus, his name stricken from the glories of Penn State. He died soon after. Incomprehensible.

Justice was done yesterday.

Some interesting developments in the terrorist situation in Europe. It is thought the ISIS leader is holed up on one of the Greek isles. Two terrorist groups were captured near Chamonix. Chamonix is the French city I have visited several times in recent years.

I watched an interesting show on TV in the middle of the night when I could not sleep. Till recently, the girls and young ladies ISIS captured were forced to marry ISIS troops. Those refusing were killed. Not necessarily so any more. ISIS troops need blood for their wounded fighters. The girls and young ladies are used to provide it. Each person becomes a blood bank. Frequent withdrawals.

Love these people!

Enjoy your day!