My blog talk radio show, Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou, is one half hour. It takes me 10-12 hours of preparation for the 1/2 hour weekly show. Occasionally due to some technical glitch, the show does not broadcast. The glitch is always at the radio station’s end.

Last night was one of those nights. Try as I could for 20 minutes, I could not connect up with the station. Ergo, no show.

The frustration is two fold.

First, I am disappointed. I am ready to go and cannot go.

The other is that I generally cannot use the material that took me 10-12 hours to research and prepare the following week. It is stale one week later.

Those of you who tried to join me probably heard the show was waiting for the host to join in. I am the host. It was not me. It was them.

So much for frustration.

I was in Publix yesterday. Had time to kill. Walked around the store three times pushing a cart. Up and down each aisle. My exercise for the day.

I have been dieting since early November. During that time, I have cheated only three times. Last night was one of them.

The past couple of days, I have had this abnormal desire for a bologna sandwich. Bread, bologna, tomato slices, salt and mayonnaise. I gave into the desire. Bought a quarter pound of bologna. Had to buy a small jar off mayonnaise, also. When I started the diet, I stripped the refrigerator of all bad foods, temptations, etc.

Let me tell you, the sandwich was oh so good! Like sex after not having had it for a long time. Like a man finding water in the desert.

I do not feel guilty!

Syracuse basketball tonight. At 7. Syracuse plays Boston College. Syracuse a one point favorite. I plan on watching the game at Don’s Place. Dan, join me if you can.

The Brian Williams saga continues. Suspended without pay for six months. Morning Jo pointed out several times that Twitter was bad. Many people wrote disparaging things about Williams. They appeared happy that he got his.

The Morning Joe crowd thought this was terrible in view of the fact that Williams is apparently a good guy. Who concededly screwed up.

I attribute the negative comments to the state of our society. Many in the U.S. are hurting economically. Have been for quite a while. It becomes a haves v. have nots situation. Williams is paid $10 million a year. In a sense, he represents the 1 percent. Most of those speaking poorly of him the 99 percent.

The desire exists under the circumstances to see anyone on top fall. A 2014 rendition of A Tale Of Two Cities.

I am on my soap box. One more issue bothering me.

It was announced yesterday by Putin that Russia and Egypt have made a deal. An agreement has been signed. Russia is going to construct a whole new nuclear industry for Egypt.  Russia doing most of the work. Paid for by Egypt.

You have to give Putin credit. Russia’s economy is teetering. Yet Putin is out there continuing to make friends and deals.

Where is the U.S. while all this is going on?

I continue to point out that Egypt was our friend for 30 years. Egypt was friends with Israel. Hosni Mubarak marched in step with the U.S. I am critical of Hillary and the President for siding with “democracy” against Mubarak when he was having problems. I have been so critical since day one. We turned our back on a friend.

Putin would not have the opportunity to do business with Egypt today were Mubarak still in power.

Enjoy your day!



A perfect Key West day in the making! Everything just right. No wind. You can hear the silence. Sun shining. No clouds. Colors bright and cheerful.

I took a walk yesterday morning. Afterwards, I went over to the Pier House Beach Bar for a cup of coffee. Sat at the corner of the bar reading the newspapers. It was around noon. Cool to cold on the water. No one on the beach even though the sun was shining.

One of the newspapers was USA Today. Its feature front page article concerned Pope Francis and recent statements he made concerning birth control. I disagree with those statements. The first time I have disagreed with anything he has had to say.

The Pope opposes artificial means of birth control. That means the pill, inserted devices and condoms amongst others. “No need to breed like the rabbits” he said. The Pope said there should be “responsible parenting.”

The Pope recommended Church approved ways to limit pregnancy be used. The primary one being the rhythm system. Most who have tried it understand that in reality it is Vatican roulette. You take your chances with regard to a pregnancy.

All Catholic women were religious back in the 1950s and 1960s. Good Catholics. They would not think of practising birth control. Couples were having babies like crazy.

We had five pregnancies in 5 years. We lost the last one. We were the perfect example of the failure of the rhythm system. I was very much involved with the process. I kept track of the daily temperature readings. I had a chart on the back of the bedroom door so we would not screw up.

Eventually, priests realized the hardships involved in not practising birth control. A time arrived when women would go to confession and tell the priest they were practising birth control. Instead of denouncing the conduct, the priests were telling the ladies to follow their conscience.

Catholic Churches are empty today. I believe one of the reasons is the birth control issue. It started driving people away as early as the 1960s and 1970s.

I have strong feelings re the issue. I believe the Catholic Church’s position is based on man’s misinterpretation of the Bible. Just as some present day followers of Mohammed misinterpret the Koran.

The basketball game got me fouled up. My blog talk radio show was at 9. At 9, I was so engrossed in the Syracuse/Boston College game that I forgot what time it was. As a result, the show started 10 minutes late. I could only do a 20 minute show. Sorry.

Syracuse won 69-61. The team looked good and bad. I have no further comment.

I had to contend with the State of the Union which began at 9. I went through this last year. My total numbers will be consistent. Those that did not listen last night, will do so during the week in the archive or on Facebook or You Tube.

I caught the last part of the State of the Union address. Caught the rest in reruns through the night. It was a sales pitch. Democratic candidates should have used the information provided in the November elections instead of walking away from the President.

I find the State of the Union exciting to watch. It is part of our governmental process. Whether you agree with the President had to say is immaterial. The speech is as American as apple pie.

KONK Life publishes this week’s column today. Debtors’ Prison. It has also been posted to my Key West Lou page. Left hand corner, second listing. It is titled KONK Life Key West Lou Column. It is easy to find from that point. One click away.

The column is also featured today on WordPress. An accident in figuring out some things to get the posting working correctly. After today, the column will no longer appear on WordPress. Only Key West Lou.

Enjoy your day!


This morning’s Key West Citizen ran a picture of a cover of Collier’s Magazine. Collier’s is no longer in print. It was a 1912 cover. The lead in to a major article entitled Opening of the Overseas RR to Key West. The cover picture was of a train on a bridge over water.

I want to share some things I know about the railroad. Some or all you may know. Others perhaps not aware.

The railroad was completed in 1912. Construction had started in 1905. There were a multitude of building problems. Like swamps, ocean, insects and hurricanes. There were two or three during construction.

The railroad was the dream of Henry Flagler. He built it with his own money. Cost him $50 million. $1.3 billion in today’s money.

Flagler was quite elderly in 1912 when the railroad was dedicated. He had become blind. His speech contained the following words: “Now I can die happy. My dream is fulfilled.” He passed on 18 months later.

The railroad was constantly referred to at the time as the Eighth Wonder of the World.

The hurricane of 1935 was a big one. It took out about 40 miles of the bridge. No one wanted to rebuild. Many today fish and walk on portions of the bridges left standing.

Did my stress test yesterday afternoon. A biomed stress test. Hope I spelled it correctly. A piece of cake! I don’t know why I was concerned, but I was. I will get the results next week.

The only negative was I was exhausted when the test was over. Makes sense. They shoot this stuff into you which makes your heart beat faster and faster.

I stopped to see Lisa and the grandkids on the way home. Lisa asked what was the matter as I looked tired. It was that obvious.

I stayed a very short while and went home. To bed for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I was wiped out!

Another power outage yesterday. Three in two days.

State of the Union tonight. Special guests are invited to sit with the First Lady. One tonight is Larry Merlo. He is President and CEO of CVS Health. CVS is on a roll in Key West. Already have 4 stores open and operating. Working on a fifth. In the former Fast Buck Freddie site on Duval.

Merlo has to have accomplished something significant. I did a bit of digging and found out why he was invited. Last fall CVS stopped selling tobacco goods. Cigarettes. A big deal as it cost CVS a lot of money. Merlo sits with Michelle Obama tonight because of that.

Something wrong with my diet. I have been at 27 pounds for two weeks. Did not cheat once. It is getting discouraging. I need to see the weight loss on the scale. It keeps me motivated.

Syracuse/Boston College tonight. Syracuse a 9.5 point favorite. Means nothing.

My blog talk radio show tonight also. I will miss the State of the Union and the game. I will also lose some of my audience to the President’s address.

The show tonight particularly interesting. An update on the NYCPD/de Blasio situation, the story of a 9 year old boy arrested for stealing a pack of gum who was jailed, a Greece update/the election is 1/25, the State of Washington threatening to take a woman’s two month old foster child away if the whole family does not get flu shots, and more.

The show airs at 9.

Enjoy your day!