The federal government is at it again! Sticking its nose into my bedroom, your bedroom, my sex life, your sex life.
I refer to the new rule announced. One that takes effect immediately. That quick. The government is concerned.
The issue contraception. A danger. Prevents pregnancy.
Attorney General Sessions advised the new rule yesterday. Employers do not have to cover contraception costs in employee health programs if the employer has a religious or moral objection..
The rule is based on two thoughts.
The first is that birth control could involve fertilized eggs being expelled from the uterus. In effect, an abortion.
There is no scientific backing for the preceding.
The second is that it is immoral for a woman to have sex without accepting the possibility of pregnancy.
Both reasons have the Church and government getting into my bed and yours. Together, no less. It is wrong to impose a personal theology on Americans who do not share it.
Fifty five million women will be affected.
Abortion was in the news this past week, also.
Congressman Tim Murphy is a Pennsylvania Republican. Openly opposed to abortion. A long time leader amongst anti-abortionists.
The House of Representatives this past week passed a bill banning late term abortions. Murphy a co-sponsor of the bill.
Married, Murphy also has a girl friend. She advised him she was pregnant. He e-mailed her that she should have an abortion. She reacted by responding how could he even suggest an abortion after his long time stand on abortion.
The world knew within a short period of time Murphy’s position re the pregnancy. Murphy in an even shorter period of time announced he is resigning from Congress.
I want to tie the two together. Contraception and abortion. Think about what I am about to write: Contraception prevents unwanted pregnancies, abortion never becomes an issue.
Which now brings me to Newt Gingrich. An immoral man from my perspective.
Gingrich has been married three times. He asked his second wife for a divorce so he could marry his present wife while she was in the hospital battling cancer. He also wanted her to agree to an open marriage.
Gingrich was Speaker when Clinton was charged with impeachment. Yelled and screamed for Clinton’s impeachment. Gingrich viewed Clinton’s sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office immorality of the highest degree.
Lewinsky was a federal intern at the time.
There is a prohibition against using federal property for sex purposes. Especially when both participants are federally employed in some capacity.
While Gingrich was after Clinton for engaging with Lewinsky in the Oval office, he was having sexual relations with his then girl friend Callista Bisek. Bisek was a Congressional aide at the time. The sex took place in Gingrich’s offices.
Bisek is the woman Gingrich wanted to marry when he asked his second wife Marianne for a divorce while she was in a hospital bed fighting cancer.
Bisek is now Callista Gingrich.
All thus far background for what is to follow.
Callista Gingrich has been nominated by Trump to be Ambassador to the Vatican. She has already received approval on the first necessary vote. It is expected she will easily be finally approved.
Newt Gingrich will be an influence to some degree in the Vatican. Even though he is merely husband to the Ambassador.
Judge not lest ye be judged. I am judging. I can’t help it. Gingrich is the last person I want wandering the halls of the Vatican as husband to the U.S. Ambassador. He will gain influence and express positions I am confident I would not be comfortable with.
Yesterday, a busy one.
Another doctor visit, haircut with Lori, manicure with Tammy, and several other matters.
Dinner at 7 with new friend Brenda at Antonia’s. We sat at the bar. Good company.
Bria Ansara came in and sat at the bar, also. Always good to see Bria. She told us Berlin’s was open last night for the first time. A lot of damage. Restaurant windows blown out.
She was not singing last night. Berlin’s thought there would be few customers.
I stopped at Don’s Place on the way home. Chatted with Herschel, Stan and John.
Herschel and Stan are brothers. Herschel lived in Key West for several years. Now resides somewhere out west.
Herschel a good guy. Helps people in need. He spent a week in Houston helping a friend who had damage as a result of Harvey. He has been helping out a former Navy friend in Big Pine since Irma. Stan is also.
The gentleman they are helping was their superior when in the Navy. They have remained friends.
I apologize for not recalling his name. He was at one time Commander of the VFW in Key West.
Stan went to Big Pine following his usual Key West job yesterday afternoon. He found their Navy friend dead.
The cleanup probably too much for him.
I mentioned a few days ago the 1,300 sunk boats that have to be removed from off shore Keys’ waters. Turns out buoys a problem, also. Most blown away. Those that can be recovered will be. The Civil Air Patrol has become involved in identifying them.
Then there are those which will never be located or seen again.
The buoys have to be replaced. A necessity in navigation. Miss a buoy and you are lost. Panic lost in the big wide sea with no land in sight.
Enjoy your day!