Today’s blog late. Going to be limited. Extremely so.

No power to computer and TV all day. Frustration no end.

Started at 6 this morning. Both out. Thought it might be the bill. Paid via the telephone via a machine. No body at the other end.

Three hours later, still no power. Decided to go direct. Went to the Comcast office. Some rude woman told me nothing was wrong with my computer or TV. Her screen showed everything working. I went home. Knowing neither would be working. They were not.

I have been through three Comcast telephone technicians. I am tired. Exasperated.

I will not bore you with the details.

Jennifer is taking care of my home till Anna gets back from Poland. She came in a few minutes ago. Did you see the wire down from the pole in front of your house? I had not.

Looked out the window. From my house to the end of the block. Ends hanging down from poles. Rest of cable lying on ground next to road.

Last call to Comcast was to tell them it probably is their cable giving me the grief. Suggested the cable be fixed.

Each time I conversed, I thought I was talking with someone in East Calcutta. Probably was. Don’t uinderstand if she understood the downed wire had to be taken carfe of immediately. For Louis and for safety.

I called the Sheriff’s Department after finishing with Comcast person #3. I am confident someone will be here forthwith to fix the cable. And hopefully, make my computer and tv operable.

I am abkle to communicate with you via my computer because Jennifer is smarter than me. She has an app called Mobile Hot Spot. Turned her phone on next to my computer. She tells me if will give 24 hours power..

I am going to get the app.

My podcast show tonight. I am not ready. I will be winging it part of the time. Probably will end up the best show I have done.

Final note. When I complain about Comcast, I do so for all their  customers world wide.

Hope you enjoyed your day!




My yesterday was too busy. All screwed up. Never got to do what I wanted my way.

My plan was to watch the Syracuse/LSU game and research this week’s KONK Life column. I got to watch half the game. Had to move my ass to get the research done.

Let me explain.

I have a new TV. Comcast said I needed a new box. An updated one. Mine was ancient. I had to return my old box and modem and get a new box. Modem part of box now. I went to Comcast with both items in tow at 10 am. Comcast opens at 10.

I expected a miserable Comcast staff. Comcast is not customer friendly. I was shocked. Comcast rep Liana could not have been nicer. She explained everything to me in detail 2-3 times. I do not absorb mechanical info easily.

Thank you, Liana.

Rushed over to Tammy for a 10:30 manicure. Tammy always good company. Lovely in appearance. If I were 50 years younger and she unmarried, I would be chasing after her.

Then home to watch Syracuse/LSU at noon. Leave me alone! I wanted to enjoy the game!

It was not to me.

The exterminator showed up. Fifteen hours late. He spent two hours doing what he had to do and constantly interrupting me with questions, see this, etc.

While this was going on, Tim Reynolds showed up. He was going to hook up the new TV. He wanted to talk.

I was ready to yell screw everybody, screw everything! I want to watch the game!

I only got to watch the first half. Syracuse has a team. Proved it yesterday in spite of losing 34-24. A couple of missed touchdowns at the end of the first half might have resulted in a Syracuse win.

After many years, I was proud of a Syracuse football team. A once again moment.

The flies are gone. Maggot flies from the dead rat. Ugh! The exterminator knew exactly what to do.

I had a couple of hours to kill after everything settled down. Time to research this week’s column. I decided to write something about Pope Francis. Something off the beaten track.

The column yet to be written will be titled Man To Pope. The history of Francis’ transition from man to Pope. The odd ball human things in his younger life that molded the man we saw this past week. Like his three love affairs. The third and last while he was in the seminary. Also, his bouncer job in a night club while working on his graduate chemistry degree.

It is starting to thunder and lightening. Going to storm!

Dinner last night at Latitudes. I had one drink too many. Required after my day.

What can I say about Latitudes. Fine food, fine presentation and perfect service. Manager Susan visited a while. Met Olga the reservations person in person. Our previous relationship had been via phone. Olga is a tiny lovely young lady of French extraction. Met another staffer named Andrea.

Everyone attentive to make sure the evening was no less than perfect.

I like Rick Boettger. Unfortunately, we only became friends this past year. Rick used to write for KONK Life also.

Rick wrote his last KONK Life column three weeks ago. Wrote he was going to die. Cancer had gotten the best of him. No one knew.

This morning at 11 at United Spiritual Center, Rick is going to speak to his friends for the last time. I will be there. In church, to listen to a friend.

Rick is deserving of credit. He is going out his way. Not just writing his obituary as some do, he is planning his good byes step by step.

God love you, Rick!

Enjoy your Sunday!