Key West has many persons that can be described as The Best. At the top of any list would be Bria Ansara.
Bria is multi-faceted, multi-talented. Singer, burlesque starlet and art educator. Add on nice person. Loved by everyone.
Till this weekend, I only knew Bria as a singer. At Berlin’s friday and saturday nights. Bourbon Street, monday nights. Her singing touches me. Especially her rendition of yesterday’s love songs. I sit at the bar at Berlin’s mouthing the words to such songs as she sings them.
There is a You Tube video of Bria singing It Had To Be You. Of 1936 vintage. One of my all time favorites.
Never knew her as a burlesque starlet. Of course, the last time I saw a Key West burlesque show was ten years ago when Key West burlesque was in its infancy.
You Tube has everything. Even a video of Bria singing in a burlesque show. Attired.
Bria is an art educator. Discovered by me only this weekend, also.
I noted the Second Annual Papio Kinetic Sculpture Parade is scheduled for noon saturday. I was totally unaware of what it involved. Did a little digging with the intent of writing about the event.
Lo and behold, I discovered that Bria is an integral part. Primarily as an art educator. Bria teaches art at the May Sands Montessori School.
Telephoned my source of authority. Grandson Robert. Robert and Ally go to May Sands Montessori. Asked Robert if he knew a Bria Ansara at school. Yes, he said. She teaches us art. Right now, we are working on a mural.
Some additional digging revealed Bria is teaching 140 kids at Montessori how to paint a 420 square foot mural.
The Kinetic Sculpture Parade is at noon. At 10 behind the Custom House, Bria will be conducting a free pre parade workshop for young ones. After which they will march in the parade.
Amazing what a little research reveals. Bria may not me marching. She has a recently discovered stress fracture in one foot.
Key West is fortunate. Bria’s imprint is every where.
Another noteworthy woman is Jean Thornton. For her charm, personality and unending love and concern for everyone. Just two days ago, she telephoned with her concern for Che. No one has seen him in a month.
That’s Jean!
Jean has an unusual and additional claim to fame. Fifteen years ago yesterday, she was diving off Mel Fisher’s vessel. She discovered emeralds and gold. Changed her life. Gave her a nick name also. Golden Girl.
Last night began with Kate Miano’s Gardens. Terri singing. I joined Kate and Donna at their table.
Afterwards, Donna, Terri and I were off to Hurricane Hole for a bite to eat. At least 15 years since I was there. Pleasant. It was dark. There was a comfortable wind. I enjoyed a Maine lobster roll. Loved it!
It is me and Terri tonight. Donna working. Dueling Bartenders time at Aqua. Terri will join Tom Luna and Rick Dery singing.
I have a busy busy day ahead. Preparing for tomorrow night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.
Enjoy your day!