Several day long festivals, weekend festivals, music festivals, etc. Key West has them all!
Are we reaching the point of too many? Especially as to quality?
The amphitheater opens in February. A 4 day music fest scheduled. Mile Zero Fest. Within a week, another music festival. At Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. Mile O Fest Key West. A 3 day event.
Who is scheduling these “fests?” Does the City have professional assistance. I doubt it.
My fear is that at least one of the events is going to get out of hand. The one at Fort Zachary Taylor. Sounds like a Woodstock in the making. Mud, drugs, nudity, etc.
Dr. Mc Ivor’s office yesterday. My heart doctor. The best.
I had been there 9 days earlier. Had water problems. Gained 17 pounds in two weeks. Blood pressure on the top side 187. Ankles swollen. Totally exhausted.
Put me on water pills. Every day till further notice.
I returned yesterday after 9 days on water pills. Weight down 12 pounds. Blood pressure 112/72. Energized.
Wish I knew what caused the water increase. I worry about these things.
Took a slew of blood work. Didn’t think I would have enough blood left to make it home.
Chart Room last night. Tom and Fran Dixon in from Buffalo. As usual, we had a wonderful time! Good people. Fran brought me four containers of sauce and meat. Plus a candy involving small pretzels, chocolate and and M&Ms on top..
Tom and Fran were tired. Returned to Ocean Key House and bed. I was hungry. Decided to stop at Tavern ‘n Town on the way home for the 9-11 Happy Hour.
The frozen sauce in a plastic bag on the front seat with me. Fell over as I made a turn. Top came off one container. Sauce still hard frozen. I could not get the cover back on.
Decided not to take a chance. Went straight home.
My front seat smells of red sauce. Will have to wash it down this morning.
I had nothing that turned me on in the refrigerator. Took the topless container and poured the frozen rock hard contents into a microwavable bowl. Twenty minutes later, I had chunks of pork floating in a rich sauce.
My late night dinner.
Big afternoon.
Haircut with Lori at noon. Pick up Robert and Ally at 12:30. Lunch and then the new Key West Escape Room at 2:30. Hope the Room is fun. Expensive. $35 for me, $25 each for Robert and Ally.
Enjoy your day!