Syracuse blew another basketball game. Will the pain ever end?

Georgetown beat Syracuse 75-71. A close game throughout. Twelve ties and 15 lead changes along the way.

Syracuse lost the game in the last minute. Took 3 shots at the basket. Missed each time. Georgetown recovered the ball and scored.

What a difference a week makes. Last week Syracuse lost to Notre Dame. I was very down on my team afterwards. They sucked! Took few 3’s, made less. Could not make foul shots. I wrote of other negatives also.

Syracuse played much better this week. Made a few 3 pointers. Made foul shots. Could have won. It was that last minute.

Georgetown played well, also. Georgetown is now 8-2, Syracuse 5-5.

Syracuse’s next game is against Maryland at Barclay’s in Brooklyn next Saturday.

The game was emotional for me. The 100th meeting of the two teams. The game played at the Dome. As mentioned in previous blogs, I had a box at the Dome from 1980 on when the Dome opened. Never missed a football or basketball game. Watched special shows like Frank Sinatra. 

My family grew up at the Dome. The only way to describe it. My children were already adults when I first got it. However their kids, my grandchildren, used to join us frequently at the games. From 2 years on. They would play on the box’s carpeted floor as we watched the games. Syracuse became their school also. One went there undergrad, two to law school.

The Dome and box were our home away from home many Saturdays.

I remained at Brady’s following the game for dinner. Prime rib. My first steak/beef meal since getting my teeth. A huge cut, $27.95. No way you can get a prime rib for that price downtown. 

The meal was par excellent!

I caught photos of Trump in a box at the Army-Navy game yesterday. Part of his appointee entourage were with him. Scared me. Made me uncomfortable.

Beware of RFK Jr. Now he’s after polio vaccines. He’ll be after measle vaccines also.

Children and adults will get sick. Many, big time. Epidemics will occur if he is successful in banning these two vaccines and others. Rampant epidemics.

Someone in this morning’s Washington Post suggested “all RFK needs is a wild doctor getup.”

There is an Opinion piece in this morning’s New York Times titled: “I Don’t Want a Pardon From Biden. None of Us Should.” The writer says we should trust the fairness of the justice system.

No way! You forget many judges are political hacks today. No longer can we depend on Justice being blind. If you do, you are naive as hell. Additionally, if Trump has all the 60 odd persons he suggested indicted, think of the mental pressure and legal costs involved.


Biden will fail to have done the correct thing if he does not preemptively pardon those 60 plus.

He pardoned his son. “True pure innocents” are entitled to pardons also!

The first U.S. law school was established this day in 1791 at the University of Virginia.

Surprise! A personal one. An article on the internet. A New York State Park and its lake was described as the “Caribbean of New York.” The Green Lake State Park located just east of Syracuse.

As a youngster, I visited Green Lake often with my parents. While courting my wife, with her parents. Finally, a few times when our children were young.

Beautiful! But then again, all New York State Parks were beautiful. Nevertheless, I am pleased that Green Lakes received the “Caribbean” designation. Its water crystal blue.

Some Key West.

Key West shrimp beds were discovered in 1949. Resulted in the birth of a new Key West industry!

On yesterday’s day in 1888, the construction contract for the Custom House was awarded. The complete construction $107,955.96. It took three years to construct. A short time back then. I have to believe it would take longer today. Why, I’m not sure.

Key West was once a “paradise.” No more. We’ve become a typical Florida waterfront community. “Old Key West” a thing of the past. Little slices remain here and there. Lets keep them.

The Planning Board will on December 19 consider whether to increase maximum height from 40 feet to 60 feet.

Say “no.” Shout it from the roof tops.

Makes me wonder what the Planning Board has to do with the issue. I thought the City Charter specifically required a voter referendum to adjust the building height requirement.

Conchscooter (nickname) and his wife Layne write an exciting column “The Golden Van” which is carried in Feelspot. Yesterday’s column carried an opening statement that amused me. Actually nothing special. A simple sentence. But, it grabbed me. Titled Outdoor Ships: “When Layne told me there was an outdoor ship museum I asked what kind of people use indoor ships? She was not amused…..”

I close with my friend Theos in Greece.

Theos cell phoned me from Greece a few days ago. Just hello, how are you…..that sort of thing. Love the guy! Never forgets me.

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. No longer can we depend on Justice being blind. If you do, you are naive as hell. Additionally, if Trump has all the 60 odd persons he suggested indicted, think of the mental pressure and legal costs involved.

    That is remarkable close to Trumps claim our agencies and processes are corrupt/deep state and we need to drain the swamp. When and where does it end. We all know what happens when people lose faith and support for their system of government. If you don’t know, you are naive as hell.

  2. The complete construction $107,955.96. It took three years to construct. A short time back then. I have to believe it would take longer today. Why, I’m not sure.

    Lack of safety measures, safe practices and concern for the well being of workers back then, perhaps??

  3. Key West was once a “paradise.” No more. We’ve become a typical Florida waterfront community. “Old Key West” a thing of the past. Little slices remain here and there. Lets keep them.

    Good luck.

  4. I read now that Trump is openly saying, that unlike Biden, he won’t be able to bring down grocery prices, during his administration.

    What he doesn’t say is why – those responsible for high grocery prices and all his main donors and supporters and they want profits to increase, not don’t care about the public.

    MAGA fooled again!

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