An exceptional evening last night! I met Stacy!
Stacy found me. She has been a loyal blog reader for years. A frequent Key West visitor, our paths did not cross till last night. At the Chart Room, of course.
Stacy was with her husband Steve and friends Sue and Ron.
Stacy and Steve live in Erie, Pennsylvania. Parents of two. Steve is in IT with GE. Stacy a stay at home Mom. Parents of two.
I do not mean to lessen the pleasure of meeting Sue. Sue also a blog follower. However, it was Sue who went out of her way to be sure I knew Stacy was the one who really wanted to meet me.
Sue and Ron live in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Ron is in marketing. Sue a stay at home Mom like Stacy.
I was impressed that Stacy and Sue were stay at home Moms. And proud of it! A dying breed today.
We had a good time. Especially the ladies and I.
Along the way the discussion centered on my book The World Upside Down. I chastised Stacy for not having read it. She promised she would order a copy.
My book led to a book Stacy helped author. Laura’s Gem. My recollection is Stacy wrote the last three chapters. The book was a joint effort. Several ladies involved.
May I be fortunate to meet up with Stacy and Sue and husbands on their next visit.
Sheila, Frankie and Jean Thornton at the bar.
Jean suggested we have dinner together. I begged off. She was into Hot Tin Roof and I not. I was not sure at the time we talked where I would eat.
I missed dining with a celebrity! This morning’s Key West Citizen front page has a major article on Jean. Key West’s Golden Girl. The story of Jean diving with Mel Fisher some 20 years ago and discovering a 21 link gold chain, a silver coin and an emerald.
Jean’s life changed. The Indiana school teacher quit her job. Soon she and husband Joe bought a second home in Key West. Jean is here 6 plus months a year. Joe much less. He still works for a living and travels often.
Jean leaves today. She will return July 8. I can’t wait to have dinner with her. A celebrity! (Though true, said in a joking fashion. Love Jean and always enjoy being in her company.)
Dinner was the outside bar at La Te Da. Monday night. I was alone with the newspaper. Duck the meal. Always outstanding!
My morning began on the anti-gravity treadmill. A wonderful invention! I never tire when on it. I feel like I could walk forever. As soon as I finish, I am dead! It takes me several hours to recover. I spend the time in bed.
I visited T.J. Maxx. I was not impressed.
Today is Ho Chi Minh’s birthday. He died in 1969. He was Vietnam’s leader during the Vietnam War.
Minh was initially our friend. He fought with our troops in Asian jungles during World War II.
Following the War, he made a personal request to Truman to support he and his followers in their fight for freedom from France. Truman declined. He said Minh and his people were of the wrong political party. They were Communists.
Sixty thousand dead Americans could have been avoided had some sort of relationship been possible.
My blog talk radio show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me for a fast moving half hour of interesting topics. Many eye opening.
Tonight’s list includes Iraq and what are we doing there?, Obama yesterday advising certain military equipment would no longer be shared with local police departments, my concern–what about the equipment already in their hands?, Australia raining spiders, IRS employees who do not pay their taxes, and more.
Enjoy your day!
“Sixty thousand dead Americans could have been avoided had some sort of relationship been possible.”
Great statement, if only America would wake-up to the facts. We would rather be mad however, gotta fit Rush’s radio script. Why do we continue to support the corporate hegemony? I suggest a great brain-washing job on their part…well done. Victory to the Hamptons estates. No wonder we love supporting the few billionaires at our expense, we are literally idiots.
We will get exactly what we deserve.
You turned down a dinner invitation with Jean ? Shame on you !