Papa is Italian for Pope. Papa is the vernacular for father and grandfather. I am Papa to my grandchildren Robert and Ally. Though we spell it differently. Poppa.

Francis is Papa Francis because he is father to all. Catholics and non-Catholics. The non-Catholic portion from his perspective.

Papa was in Washington yesterday. Big time! Addressed a Joint Session of Congress. I was scheduled to be on the anti-gravity machine at the time he was to speak. I cancelled the treadmill appointment.

I continue to be taken by Papa. How can anyone not like someone who says feed the poor, love one another?

This Papa is extra ordinary. He touches everyone. Again feed the poor, love one another.He asks the haves to share a bit with the have nots.

Some dislike Papa’s views. The 1 percent. Papa advocates for the 99 percent. The 1 percent are reluctant to see the 99 percent get a piece of the pie. No one wants to give anything up. Especially the rich when it comes to money.

Did some shopping for Louis in the afternoon. A pair of crocs and 2 pairs of sneakers. The sneakers were what got me out. I have reached the point where it is difficult to bend over and tie the laces. Problem solved! I now wear what I always viewed as old man’s sneaks. No laces. Velcro straps.

Bocce last night. We won all three games. Our record now 13-2. Last night was relatively easy. This is the first year the other team has played. They have only won 1 game. Fifteen years from now, they will be 13-2.

I will be on the radio about 12:15 today. 104.9 The X Key West. My 10 minutes of chatter on the KONK Life News Show. I will briefly talk about this week’s KONK Life column U.S. Ready For War? Then some Middle East observations. If time permits, seed vaults. Something I knew nothing about till one week ago.

Enjoy your day!

5 comments on “PAPA

  1. I’m not part of the 1% and it seems this Pope has some leftist socialist views. And anti-Capitalist free market ones at that.

    Charity is supposed to be freely done. The Gooferment Welfare makes people poor in spirit. The “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” makes the poor communities a war zone. And, every time, the politicians raise the “minimum wage” to give themselves something to crow about, they take away the opportunities that lead to better things. Argh! (Notice the black youth unemployment rate. Notice the U6 or participation rate.) Argh!

    • I would add though that a fair flat tax aimed at Hedge Fund Managers and the 1% with NO loopholes, deductions or anything other than paying the tax on your income would also help. Add to that a corporate tax that must be paid if you access the US market and an end to the exporting of US capital would also be a good thing. Once again, at the fair flat tax rate. That rate paid by people and corporations, who the Supreme Court says are people too, at exactly the SAME rate….NO exceptions.

      Warren Buffet famously said once he paid less taxes in rate terms than his secretary. That also takes away opportunities for the other 99%.

  2. Doesn’t everyone take advantage of the tax laws ? Thats they are there for. If the laws are wrong [ an ass] then why complain to those that made them, like beginning with good ole charlie rangel.[sp].
    Warren Buffet [ no conservative] may pay a lower tax rate, but, I would imagine he pays a bit more in total tax than his secretary. Quite a bit, I’d surmise.
    Is that right ? Maybe not, but, don’t blame the people, blame congress and the charlie rangel’s inside the beltway.

    • Let’s face it Patrick, the 1% “buys” the laws they want the Congress to pass. The Trump basically said so on the Late Show. That is why a Fair or Flat tax never makes it….because its “fair!” We have social welfare, corporate welfare and everything in between today. Only the Middle Class suckers pay their taxes.

  3. Marty (From the Blue Ridge) on September 26, 2015 at 11:02 am said:
    Let’s face it Patrick, the 1% “buys” the laws they want the Congress to pass. The Trump basically said so on the Late Show. That is why a Fair or Flat tax never makes it….because its “fair!” We have social welfare, corporate welfare and everything in between today. Only the Middle Class suckers pay their taxes.
    end quote

    OH, I agree.
    We middle classer’s are suckers, puppets on the string.
    I’m all in favor of some type of fair tax, I like the flat tax. It sure would be nice if we had some say in where our tax money goes, most of the reason why I generally vote republican. [ Lesser of 2 evils] Taxation with good representation would be a nice thing. Not so sure that is anything we’ve ever really had.

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