A 57 year old Conch Key man high on methamphetamine was arrested for attempted murder. His victim a 27 year old female roommate who he shot at and missed.
The Sheriff’s office recovered from his apartment a 5.56 caliber rifle, .22 caliber rifle, 7.62 caliber rifle, .357 caliber revolver, 9 mm handgun, 12 gauge shotgun, and an assortment of ammunition. (If these numbers are off, I take no responsibility. I know nothing about guns. The gun descriptions were lifted by me from this morning’s Keys Citizen.)
Why would anyone need that much firepower? Going on a “fish shooting” expedition? Doesn’t make sense.
The COVID of the Civil War. In the month of August 1862, yellow fever killed 20 members of the 90th New York Regiment and another 27 in the Marine Hospital in Key West.
On this day in 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The event is regarded as the start of World War II.
Esteemed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz is 85 today. We are political opposites. I am proud to say however that he is an occasional reader of my blog.
The Key West of the early 1970’s returns in a film recollection of the time by Tom McGuane and Jimmy Buffett. The film All That Is Sacred. A 34 minute movie starring McGuane and Buffett had its premier at the Telluride Film Festival this past weekend. It shows Key West as a small remote island that was a hotbed for one of the last counterculture art scenes, a combination of prose and music.
The movie has been described as “strong.” Highly emotional.
Governor Abbott and Texas are unbridled terrorists as they undertake a State plan for Houston schools. Libraries are being removed and replaced with “discipline centers.” Some 40 libraries are involved.
It is inconceivable to me how libraries can be considered a negative. Those responsible for the change have to be dumb. Replacing libraries with rooms to hold students being disciplined for various reasons. Libraries provide students with the opportunities to learn, travel, dream, etc. It is difficult for me to comprehend an educational facility lacking libraries.
What the hell is going on with electric bills in Florida? DeSantis made it possible for electric rates to shoot up 20 percent this year. A major jump.
On average, Florida residents spend about $289 per month on electricity. My bills have been in the $190 range so perhaps I should not complain. However, I do. Even $190 is too much!
The Florida $289 per month average is one third higher than the national average.
DeSantis does not seem perturbed. He is receiving large contributions from the electric companies. Makes it appear the Washington swamp DeSantis complained of while campaigning for Governor has reached Tallahassee.
The Thai Island bar at cocktail time yesterday was packed. Joined Steve, Cindy and Ellen. Tammy, also. Tammy had been boating with the ladies. Ran into Brad and Cheryl again. Met them for the first time last friday.
Brad and Cheryl relatively new to Key West. Spent 2019 here. Then left. Returned 3 months ago. Both boaters. They own a 50 foot Gulfstream 50 Ketch sailboat which they live on in its mooring at Garrison Bight. By day, Brad works as a tour captain with Lagerheads Water Sports. Brad can be reached at Lagerheadswatersports.com to arrange trips. His personal phone number is 305-619-1974.
Brad and Cheryl do not live alone. Their Jack Russel named Leo is with them. I should introduce Leo to Jake.
Brad and Cheryl are originally from Birmingham, Michigan. High school sweethearts. They have been married 47 years. Two children.
Just spoke with Steve. We will be back at Thai Island this evening.
Enjoy your day!
Hold on Lou, guns are legal here in Florida the last time I looked and important to us here in the Keys for hunting, fishing and controlling the negro population. The amount of fire power I own in my own business and you should back off before somebody comes for you!
We won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you actually believe what you just said.
Just ignore that twit, he (maybe she?) is just another Florida MAGA Republican.
Probably smart not to use your full name. Not if you don’t want to be “bumped” accidentally in a Walmart.
Esteemed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz? Really Lou? That’s probably not how the underage girls at Jeffery Epstine’s Island parties saw him.
BTW, Trump saw him (A. Dersh) as a big supporter and as an important $$ contributor.