My pants fell down last night! As I was leaving Hogfish. In the restaurant area… shorts went south!
I neither hesitated nor looked. Swiftly reached down and pulled them up. Then out the door without a backward glance.
It’s the diet! Forty one pounds lost. Clothes big. My waist down 6-8 inches. My belt goes half way around the waist. Shirts two sizes too large. Someone recently asked if I was “carrying” in as much as I was wearing an oversized shirt.
Thank God I was not commando!
My evening began at the Chart Room. A few tourists in and out. Basically, David, John and me.
One tourist had last been to Key West 15 years ago. He was very interested in Jimmy Buffet memorabilia, history, etc. John was extremely helpful. Picked out pics on the back of the bar showing Buffett for the tourist to photograph.
Then to Hogfish for dinner and disaster.
Sat at the bar. Hogfish fingers. No fries, etc. However, I had a craving for sweet. Gave in to it. Bread pudding. Ate half of a huge portion. Delicious!
Casey McClure seated next to me. We talked a long time.
Originally from Georgia, he has been in Key West only 7 days. Arrived on a 70′ sailboat. The boat was sitting in the marina adjoining Hogfish. Casey showed me a pic of the boat. Magnificent!
Casey plans on remaining till October. Then not sure where. Would like to take a trip around the world.
Another crocodile in town. New Town. In the area of Salt Run Channel.
Crocs are a federally protected endangered species. A State sanctioned animal trapper has been called in. To capture and relocate. Advises it could take months. Traps have been set out.
No humans or pets attacked. Hopefully, none will.
KONK Life’s E-Blast carries my KONK article for the week this morning. The World Is Running Out of Sand. Take a look. Interesting.
I wrote the article since most people are not aware. Especially those of us who live on an island with beaches everywhere. We tend to take sand for granted. Should not. It is a NON-RENEWABLE natural resource.
The Annual Swim Around Key West tomorrow. My recollection, more than 100 participants from several countries. Smathers Beach at 9.
Some things hard to believe. Joel Davis is a 22 year old New York City advocate for the protection of children from sex abuse.
His involvement began in his teens. He was instrumental in the formation of Youth To End Sexual Violence. For his efforts at age 15, he was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
Davis has also chaired the UN’s International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict.
He was arrested this week for allegedly arranging sexual encounters with children. He intended to personally use each child. One, 2. The other, 8. He was arrested in a FBI sting involving undercover federal agents.
Money is too much involved in our political process. Big money. The rich today are generally able to control elections and matters political.
Justice Kennedy announced this week his retirement from the U. S. Supreme Court. Trump will appoint his successor, subject to Senate approval. In my opinion, the approval will be automatic.
The Koch brothers have announced through Americans for Prosperity, an organization they control, that they are prepared to pour millions into promoting Trump’s choice. Whoever it may be.
The rich continue spending to get what they want. Not necessarily what the people want. Their money controls. They seek to firmly establish a society governed by the rich. Not a democracy.
A bad situation!
A brief comment re the pending war between Republicans and Democrats concerning when and who the nominee should be.
The Democrats cannot win. The Republicans control the entire process. A stiff fight should be waged, however. To keep Democratic supporters happy. Roe v. Wade is sufficient motivation. In the end, it’s the Republican’s ball game.
What I would suggest is the Democrats fight the Republicans on other grounds. There are many where two parties are diametrically opposed philosophically.
Civility comes into play. Democrats are generally civil. They rarely defecate on the opposition. Republicans on the other hand spit, hit from behind, go for the jugular.
Democrats value civility more than ethics. They tend more to fight each other rather than the opposition. No more. It is time for the Democrats to stop pussy footing around and become combatants. Better fighters than the Republicans.
Time to take the gloves off!
BOB returns tomorrow. He is taking another day off.
Tonight, Jenna. I have not been with her in months. We are having dinner together at Berlin’s.
Enjoy your day!
If you were still practicing Law and your pants fell down while in a restaurant, you’d need resign from the bar and get a job in politics.
Louis quote “Trump will appoint his successor, subject to Senate approval. In my opinion, the approval will be automatic”.
It won’t be automatic. I don’t believe that is how it will play out.
The push will be on to get Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski to vote down any nominee. Both women are pro-abortion.
Only one of them is needed to stop Trump’s pick.
My guess is that Collins will take the hit. She is “further along in her career” than Murkowski and so she can weather the heat. This will push the nominee vote until after the election.
There will then be a huge push to retake the Senate, based on this one issue.
If the Dems take back the Senate, Trump will never get another of his choices across the finish line.
If the Repubs hold the Senate, then Trump’s nominee will get another shot at a vote. That is the only way Trump gets his choice onto the court. Not automatic at all, as it stands right now.
This issue isn’t about abortion (that’s already lost), it’s about Republicans getting an issue that will effect the fall elections, another October surprise, PERIOD. If you don’t believe that, watch how dirty Kennedy is on the issue of his retirement timing, and his son’s relationship with Trump, etc., etc. This all really Stinks.
Trump needs NOT to loose the Fall elections, particularly the senate, no matter what. If he can make the SCOTUS issues about abortion he’ll motivate enough voters to hold the senate and get another justice on the SC that’ll be beholding to HIM, in ANY future SC action that might come along, as well as safety on any impeachment vote in the senate.
If the Dems make this issue about abortion, they’ll loose everything by motivating the right on the abortion issues with respect to the fall elections and any hope of any future of the senate and maybe even democracy itself. If the Dems give up on abortion, which they’re going to loose anyhow (even if Kennedy doesn’t resign) and make this all about Kennedy colluding with Trump, just to attempt this corrupt partisan stunt, they might possibly keep from blindly arousing the right wing voters from coming out and maybe even get an agreement for any nominee to recuse himself on any SCOTUS action involving himself in the coming months. If the abortion voters come out and the Repubs keep the senate, they’ll get a Trump protecting Justice anyhow, just a few months later.
Dems need to scream “FOUL” loud and clear (which it is) not abortion, which is a lost issue anyhow.
I think we might be saying the same thing. It’s interesting that the media hasn’t caught on to your Trump/Kennedy collusion angle. They are too busy praising Kennedy on his fairness right now.
I still think the SCOTUS nomination hearings will come down to being all about the abortion issue. The Dems are scared to death that abortion will be abolished by the new court.
I don’t, I do think the law will be chipped away at over time though. It’s inevitable. As science advances, eventually the courts will rule that an unborn child has individual rights. That is when the law will change. It’s just a matter of time.
Just a tip for the future:
they LOSE elections, Lou’s pants were LOOSE and fell down.
Sorry, but it was very distracting while I was reading your comment
You are cororect if all 49 Dems stick together. I doubt they will. There are 3 names right now who might defect because they are running for reelection in States Trump carried in 2016.
Yes, some Dems might support the Trump pick, like Joe Manchin.
Although, I don’t understand what all the hubbub is about over Kennedy’s replacement. Kennedy was mostly conservative, so the court won’t change that much.
Now if Ginsburg or Souter retires, Oh Boy. That will cause some issues on the left, if there is still a Republican Senate.
Also, cries of hypocracy from Schumer about waiting till after mid-term election are nonsense. The Biden rule was proposed…and used in 2016, because a two-term president was about to leave office.
A new president should be allowed to shape the court. This is only a mid-term election, this president could be in office for six more years and should be allowed his choice for the court.
I would agree, except for the timing, perfectly suited in a way that could disrupt the fall elections, in was preferable to Republicans. This is further clouded by the fact that Kennedy’s son has been one of Trump’s principal banker contacts (Deutsche Bank) in recent years (now under considerable scrutiny) and apparently a personal friend. Many are speculating that Kennedy was persuaded to announce now, not after the elections, as would have been more typical and appropriate.
No one is saying that Trump should not be allowed his choice to fill a supreme court seat, nor is Schumer’s cry of hypocrisy any kind of nonsense, considering McConnell’s refusing to even consider Garland’s nomination for a VACANT seat nearly a year away from any relief. Good for the goose is good for the gander (precedent) should lie with the actual actions of McConnell in 2016, int with the theoretical ramblings of Biden in 1992.
Again, the McConnell decision was based on a two-term president in his last year in office. Not the same as a non-presidential, mid-term election. The wait was all about the incoming President getting his choice, not whether the Senate will block or approve the choice.
I agree with McConnell waiting. Why should any president choose a nominee while he’s on the way out the door.
Because it is the law? Because the constitution say’s he can, should? Your logic is forced and sure sounds strictly partisan. It was wrong and stolen, plain and simple. It wasn’t that president’s last week in office, there was nearly ten months left and he was required to serve those last ten months as if they were his first ten months. By your definition he COULD have been considered a lame duck on the first day of his last term. Perhaps McConnell, or ANYONE else could make that case in the period AFTER an election of someone else, but he didn’t. Unfortunately for your statement (and the situation NOW) is, an incoming president dies NOT get to make his choice until he is president. What happened then was purely political manipulation and wrong, a hijacking of the law and of our democracy. Your twist only amplifies the current hypocrisy.
Thank you so much for the hospitality shown to this Georgia Parrothead. I was looking at Chart Room tags on Instagram and saw that you write this blog. We had an amazing time talking to you and everyone else yesterday. I hope I won’t be the last time we meet.
I got chuckle from the Hogfish incident. I can completely relate to the ‘happening’. I had to buy all new clothes, it was similar incidents that lead to it. Down 83 pounds in 2 months.
Ask Sarah Sanders about the “civility” of democrats
You often portray both parties as all one way or another- many of us are in the middle and very tired of that polarizing viewpoint
Present both sides
Its hard to present both sides here.
the sarah sanders incident appears to have been quite one spit on her and no one violated her civil rights. no one shot her and no one rand her down with their car. the owner of that restaurant asked er to leave and said that the chef would not cook for her. not pleasant maybe, but quite civil. mrs sanders apparently left without protest or comment, also quite civilized. nothing like those seriously uncivilized exclusion incidents that frequently took place at all those trump rallies
Quote, since there is no reply option following your post…
Because it is the law? Because the constitution say’s he can, should? Your logic is forced and sure sounds strictly partisan. It was wrong and stolen, plain and simple. It wasn’t that president’s last week in office, there was nearly ten months left and he was required to serve those last ten months as if they were his first ten months. By your definition he COULD have been considered a lame duck on the first day of his last term. Perhaps McConnell, or ANYONE else could make that case in the period AFTER an election of someone else, but he didn’t. Unfortunately for your statement (and the situation NOW) is, an incoming president dies NOT get to make his choice until he is president. What happened then was purely political manipulation and wrong, a hijacking of the law and of our democracy. Your twist only amplifies the current hypocrisy.
McConnell did not steal anything. There was nothing he did that did not follow rules for the Senate. You may not like how it played out but there was nothing illegal done by the Senate.
Gorsuch is on the court. Deal with it. If you think you aren’t partisan and forced you need to look in a mirror. We all are to some degree. You pick your side and live with it.
Trying to have a discussion with you on this blog is a constant battle with you constantly changing the subject or forever obfuscating, in usually some bizarre way, by trying to manipulating the facts to suit your interpretation of what you want everyone else to believe. This particular topic is not so much about anything Mitch McConnell specifically did illegally, but what he did that was wrong (and seriously so).
The US Constitution calls for the President to nominate any new Supreme Court Justice, for which the US Senate must provide, by vote, an up or down approval, before that person can be confirmed. The President (Obama) did his part of the job, nominating Merrick Garland. Unfortunately the Senate never got around to doing it’s part of the process, even though that is not a constitutional option. It was Mitch McConnell’s job to bring this second part of the process to the Senate for their discussion, vote, one way or another. He did NOTHING, effectively putting his hands over his ears and symbolically saying “I can’t hear you,” denying any possibility of the constitutionally mandated process. This apparently is, at least technically speaking, not breaking any rules, but only because the Constitution doesn’t say anything about this, including any punishment for not fulfilling that duty. You can call this what ever you want, but most honest people would call this wrong, at the very least. Some, including me, would say that he broke the rules of the Constitution and by doing what he did, the way he did it, stole the President (and the rest of the country) his rightful duty and honor of a Supreme Court Judicial nomination.
Although Mr. McConnell seems to have gotten away with his shameful act (apparently something he and some of his fans are very proud of), he eventually will be judged by history and probably harshly.
well said
BTW – Who’s talking anything about Gorsuch, and why did you bring that up? What mirror Patrick?
Tim on July 1, 2018 at 1:26 am said:
BTW – Who’s talking anything about Gorsuch, and why did you bring that up? What mirror Patrick?
end quote/ reply key
Not me. Once again you are wrong. I guess you’re getting used to it though.