A rare talk show this morning. A brilliant diamond.
Mika Brzezinski is part of the Abu Dhabi Forbes 30/50 Conference. She moderated a talk show which was shown on MSNBC. Co-moderator was Hillary Clinton. The three guests Billie Jean King, Gloria Steinem and Olen Zelenska. No y at the end of her name on the show. Must be the English translation in the Ukraine language is a.
King a tennis great of yesteryear. Beat a male challenger in a match watched by 90 million at the time. An equal pay advocate who among other things pushed for equal salaries for U.S. Open female players where she succeeded in the effort. Steinem in the forefront of many women movements of yesterday and today. Zelenska the wife of the Ukraine President.
The Conference part of International Women’s Day.
All five ladies were articulate and right on. Mixed everything they said with humor. All veterans of the eternal war regardless of their present ages.
Catch a rerun, if you can. Politics and gender have nothing to do with it. It is a rare moment when such quality in every regard is presented on TV these days.
Today’s blog a short one. My yesterday reported malady got much worse by mid afternoon. A reversal. Horrible! Walking next to impossible. Pain atrocious. Other developments I won’t waste your time with at the moment.
Ended up with more doctoring. X-rays, a shot in the butt, a pill, a prescription for 2 more pills. What was/is wrong with me? No one yet knows. We continue with the gout theory, Though I sense and agree it does not look like the cause. Now into something called cellulitis. I thought such was related to fat. I don’t now.
What I do know is my foot went very large from toe to ankle. My ankle swelled to better than twice its normal size. Add to it constant coughing and low grade sweating.
I am better this morning. By about 50 percent. Coughing down but still there. No difference re the sweating.
I screwed up in yesterday’s blog. My apologies. I reported the Syracuse/Wake Forest game was last night. It was not. Noon today.
That’s the short story line for today. I mention only because of the number of you who have written or telephoned concerned about me. Thank you. When you get to be my age and live alone as long as I have, there are moments when you tend to think no one cares about you anymore.
Enjoy your day!
Not to worry, Lou. We ALL care about you!
Sending best wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery!