Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve at Lisa’s last night. A magnificent meal. Good company. Robert and Ally all excited.
Santa could not make his usual pre-dinner visit this year. He was busy up the keys visiting children he had not been able to in previous years. Robert and Ally were disappointed. They still believe.
Yesterday, I mentioned three writings that changed Christmas in the United States. Three writings that gave a new complexion to the holiday. A Visit from St. Nicholas, The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Cooper, and A Christmas Carol.
The three writings got Americans on a new road. Christmas as celebrated today broke ground. Took many years to arrive at the point it is today, however.
Christmas divided the North and South. Not just slavery. Christmas was a Southern thing. The North paid little attention to it.
Lincoln wanted to demoralize Southern troops during the Civil War. The South believed Santa Claus was on their side.
Lincoln authorized a famous artist in 1862 to do a drawing of Santa Claus watching over Union troops. The drawing appeared on the front cover of a prominent national magazine on January 3, 1863.
Sort of a God is on our side thing.
Some historians believe the cover drawing achieved Lincoln’s desired effect.
Enjoy your Christmas Day!
Happy Christmas, Louis! I hope your day is enjoyable, relaxing and safe! As usual, your daily thoughts are both entertaining and interesting and I’m sure I speak for many when I say you are a welcomed part of every day!
Stay healthy, I’m still hoping for a visit to your island in the coming year, would love to chat a while!
Scott in StLouis
I’m thinking you’re trying to make reference to Nast’s [?] drawing of Santa hanging Jefferson Davis in front of the union troops.
Or not.
You always describe Lisa’s seven fishes menu. Inquiring minds want to know.