Labor Day appears to have changed. No longer the same.
Labor Day became a federal holiday to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.
The holiday became established slowly. Step by step. First, state by state. Oregon was the first state to make it a public holiday in 1887. President Grover Cleveland made it a holiday for “federal employees” in 1894. It took into the late 1930’s for all states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories to make Labor Day a statutory holiday.
When I was a youngster in Utica, the Labor Day Parades were exciting. Later, as a young lawyer I participated in the Parades.
The excitement is gone. Labor is successful. Yet other parades celebrating successful efforts continue to be big and supported. The last time I was in Utica was 2008. I don’t know if they still have a Labor Day Parade. I do not think Key West is having one today.
New York City is having a Labor Day Parade. Not on Labor Day, however. Why, I’m not sure. The Parade will march up Fifth Avenue on saturday, September 7.
Good things/happenings should not be taken for granted. If so, they tend to dissipate.
Mary Dobbs. Who is Mary Dobbs? This can be embarrassing. Better I be embarrassed, however.
At 89, I forget some things quickly and easily. It happened yesterday.
I was grocery shopping in Publix. A woman stopped and asked if I was Key West Lou. You have no idea how pleased I am when this occurs. I love the fact that people read my blog. Probably an ego thing. Whatever, it is good for the soul.
We chatted. Her name and therein is my problem. I recalled immediately when she left that her first name was Mary. I “think” her last name was Dobbs. When I realized my forgetfulness had come into play, I scooted around Publix looking for Mary. Could not find her. She must have checked out.
For the moment, I will assume it was Dobbs. If I am incorrect, I ask Mary to write and set me straight.
Mary explained she had been reading the blog for years. My chest expanded! She and her husband had a home in Key West. They still lived in New Jersey, however. He had one more year to retirement and then they would be spending more time in Key West.
She knew all about my heart attack and teeth problem. A loyal reader!
I was charmed by Mary. Not only that she read the blog, but also because she appeared a nice person. I told her when they were back in Key West next year to contact me so we could get together. I do not enjoy socializing, etc. without teeth.
Mary, again I hope I got your last name correct. If not, please do let me know what it is.
The Jimmy Buffett Parade was yesterday. Packed Parade wise and spectator wise. Reflected the impact Buffett had on Key West and the world.
One of the Parade’s highlights was the singing of “Margaritaville” in front of the Margaritaville Restaurant. The singing was led by Howard Livingston and Buffett songwriting collaborator Will Kimbrough.
More Buffett today! What a terrific weekend!
Buffett and his writings.
Jimmy Buffett was a person of many talents. Including writing.
Three books quickly made it onto The New York Times Best Seller list. Two spent over seven months on the Times fiction list: Talk from Margaritaville and Where Is Joe Merchant? His memoir A Pirate Looks at Fifty, published in 1998, went straight to number 1 on the Times non-fiction list.
He also wrote two children’s books, The Jolly and Trouble Dolls, with his eldest daughter, Savannah.
Buffett’s novel A Salty Piece of Land was released on November 30, 2004. The first edition of the book included a CD single of the song “A Salty Piece of Land.” The book was a Times best seller soon after its release.
Buffett’s last title Swine Not was released May 13, 2008.
Tomorrow, Buffett’s film and television works.
Yesterday was a terrific sport day!
Syracuse won its first football game of the season in good style yesterday. Beat Ohio State 38-22.
Next week, Georgia Tech.
Syracuse has a new coach this season. Fran Brown. An excellent start. May his success in leading the team continue.
Syracuse’s offense was excellent. Its defense left something to be desired. Needs work against the run.
Scottie Scheffler won the biggest golf victory dollar wise yesterday. The FedExCup. The victory paid him $25 million.
Scheffler had a big year otherwise. His total earnings this year $62.3 million. Big bucks!
Two old Keys impactful Keys stories.
The first involves yellow fever.
Yellow fever is caused by a virus that is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito.
It was rampant for years in Key West. As early as 1829 when Key West had its beginnings. In that year, Pardon Greene, one of the founders of Key West, was lying at the point of death.
The U.S. has not had an outbreak of yellow fever since 1905. Attributable to a vaccine and now in the lower Keys a Mosquito Control Board that protects us.
There remains two areas in the world that still suffer the ravages of yellow fever big time. Africa and South America.
Enjoy your Labor Day! A cook out with friends would be in order. The best way to spend a holiday.
Today is Labor Day, throughout the entire country.
Amazon is delivering today, nationwide.
Seems to me Amazon is tone deaf to America on this subject, this particular day. You’d think they could be a little more sensitive to the work force. No wonder they are having so many problems with their hired employees.
Joe has been on vacation for two weeks.
Carol is that same old troll whose only interest is to try and rile up Lou’s readers.
at least Joe wasn’t playing (cheating) golf every other week at some hotel in Florida.
Donald was nowhere to be seen on Labor Day, apparently taking that weekend off from campaigning. No speach, no nothing.
I guess that speaks for itself.
Just a reminder of the truth.
Your truth maybe, no one else’s.
Syracuse beat Ohio University, but quarterback came from Ohio State
I know. The players all seem to come from somewhere else now. The quarterback will achieve his glory at Syracuse if he is that good. He impressed me with how he threw the ball. Had great receivers, also.