Jack Smith’s Report re Trump and January 6 and the documents cases released. Dramatically at midnight.

The little I read most interesting. The Report is broken down into three parts. Smith’s cover letter to Attorney General Garland, the January 6 incident titled Volume I and the documents case titled Volume II.

I read the detailed cover letter at 2 this morning. Pulled no punches. I briefly glanced at Volume I involving January 6. Too long in mid morning to read. One hundred thirty plus pages. I will read the two Volumes over the next few days. For the moment, the cover letter.

Smith wrote Trump’s cases represented ones “in which the offenses [was] the most flagrant, the public harm the greatest, and the proof the most certain.”

Smith described Trump’s efforts to retain power as “criminal.” He claims Trump took his MAGA faithful for easily manipulated fools.

I came across two interesting comments re Trump in the internet this morning. Neither had anything specifically to do with Smith’s Report. Both comments had to do with Trump and his preparedness for a war. 

One, “Trump is as unprepared for war and other matters as he was for the COVID epidemic. His lack of experience and inability to take any advice from people will be his downfall. Appointing a clown like Hegseth plays right into the hands of our enemies.”

The other, “The only historical analogy I can think of is Nero. Trump is the modern Nero, instead of playing a lute while the U.S. literally burns, it is going to be ‘truths’ and ‘tweets’ trying to convince us that all is well as we go up in flames.”

The airplane has developed and moved faster as a part of our existence. “Plane” includes space vehicles. 

An interesting flying event involves Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was the first U.S. President to travel by plane on official business. He did so in 1943.

My back must know when I have plans. Tonight, two different events available for me to enjoy. The Grand Happy Hour and the Syracuse/Louisville game. I woke with my back out of whack again. Can’t win. It must be mental. Hope it goes away during the day so I can get out tonight.

There was no blog yesterday. Sorry. My day was otherwise full.

One thing was on my mind all day. It however had nothing to do with my not getting the blog out. My Cousin Albina was buried yesterday morning in Utica. She was on my mind all day. Her Church and cemetery known to me. I could sense her movement all day. Up to and including her body being lowered into the ground. 

Her father Frank had an interesting experience many years ago. He was being operated on and died on the table. He was declared dead and then came back. My Uncle Frank spoke of the event the rest of his life. He was sorry he had returned. He described the bright light and colors. A fence. His previously deceased family members on the other side. All welcoming him. When he got to the fence, he was told it was not his time, he had to go back.

It saddened him to return. Where he had been was a happy place.

It took my Uncle a long time thereafter to die. He was a very old man when he left us.

I am sure he and Albina are together today. As well as my Aunt Ange, another wonderful person.

I close with a Key West real estate experience. Some 35 years ago when I was looking for a home to purchase, I looked at everything. Location and price wise.

One of the places I checked out was Truman Annex. Told the realtor to show me the cheapest and take me through everything price wise to the most expensive.

The cheapest at the time was a one bedroom, one bath for $79,950. I ended up purchasing a four bedroom, four bath with pool on the the ocean in Key Haven for $700,000.

A similar one bedroom, one bath is for sale today in Truman Annex. Sales price $795,000.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Lou posted – Smith described Trump’s efforts to retain power as “criminal.” He claims Trump took his MAGA faithful for easily manipulated fools.

    The 2024 election elevated them from manipulated fools to enthusiastic and willing co-conspirators.

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