You think Joe Biden is having a bad time at the moment? No different than Harry Truman had in 1948.

Everyone thought he was a sure loser in the race against Tom Dewey for the Presidency. So much so, even respect got lost along the way.

In those days, campaigning was from the back of a train. It was called whistle stopping. Truman was on an 18 state trip. Spoke in small towns everywhere. 

No one was supporting Truman. He had been deemed a loser. Even the Democratic Party for all intents had abandoned him. Donors had walked away.

The train stopped somewhere on its journey and Truman was told he had to pay up the money owed for use of the train or it was not going any further. Can you imagine such talk to the Presidnet of the U.S.! The Party had abandoned him. Truman dug into his own pockets and also asked his friends on board to help out. They came up with enough to pay the debt.

What an insult to a President of the U.S.!

On election night, the famous commentator H.V. Kaltenborn said on national news before all the results were in…..”Dewey defeats Truman!” The Chicago Daily Tribune put out its election day paper early with a similar headline…..”Dewey Defeats Truman.”

When America rose from bed the morning following election day, it was clear Truman had won. A surprise! To all, except the people who voted for him. The Media and political pundits had blown it.

The moral of my brief blog this morning is found in the words of Yogi Berra…..”It ain’t over till it’s over!”

Joe Biden could not find a better person to be compared to than Harry Truman. Truly birds of a feather.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Lou, you have to admit that REPUBLICANS have done a pretty good job at convincing everybody Biden is to old, especially given that Trump is almost that same age.

    They are absolutely brilliant at this sort of thing.

    • Ed – More baseless nonsense, without any REAL merit, only intended to stoke fear into the gullible.

      HOW ABOUT THIS? Trump sent stolen secret documents to help our known enemies on how to BUILD a bomb that will be dropped on us.

  2. Lou, thank you for that parallel comparison of the Truman and Biden campaigns. I needed that reminder to help me stay optimistic that the voters spoke loudly in the primaries and Biden will continue his campaign to victory in November. With your permission, I would like to share your words on social media platforms to remind other Americans that Biden can do this and our republic will move forward in tact in 2025.

  3. President Biden has done a fine job at a time when we needed it most. That does not mean we ignore the effect and public concern regarding his obvious decline. America needs to keep Trump far from the Oval and a return would be cataclysmic for this country and the world. Pazz (sic) the baton to the next generation sir, you have plenty to be proud of and by putting country over self you will leave an indelible final chapter to your public service.

    • Ditto to Carlos, TOTALLY agree, the purpose this time around is NOT who get’s elected, just so long as it IS NOT TRUMP, no matter what

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