This blog has moved into its 11th year. I have made many friends via the blog over the years. World wide. A few I have been fortunate to meet. Others, not. However the level of communication has been sufficient that I feel I know them personally. Like we get together for a drink together now and then.
One “close friend” is Crete’s Jim Brown. Crete is one of the Greek isles.
Jim is a transplant from Great Britain to Crete. A resident of Crete for many years. Married with family. Earns a living by entertaining. A band. His band.
We occasionally chat via Facebook re politics.
I wrote Jim last week concerning Obama’s poor reception while visiting Greece. Seven thousand protested against him, the American flag burned, etc. The media suggested the Communists responsible.
I did not understand. The Communist Party in Greece is negligible. The powerful out of office party is the Nazi Party. Know as the New Dawn.
I wrote Jim re my concerns. He responded.
He does not believe the protests were anti-American. The Greek people are pissed. They like to vent. Need to vent. They are generally upset with the powers to be internationally. They do not believe the rest of the world gave them support in their “war” against Merkel and the Euro Union.
He said I should not be concerned about the American flag being burned. The protesters burned a Greek flag also.
Brown believes Tsipras sold them down the river, that austerity is crippling the Greek people.
The suicide rate has tripled. He writes these are “sad times my friend.”
He mentioned the Nazi Party hates all foreigners. He did not believe they were involved in the protests.
An absence in his e-mail was he never mentioned the Communist Party or Communism or a Communist part in the protests.
Does his silence re the Communist aspect say anything?
Worked with Sloan yesterday afternoon. Soon, I will be streaming on You Tube. In addition to everything else I am doing.
Bocce playoffs later in the day. Fun. Don’s Place got beat by monday’s #4 team.
Florida State beat Syracuse 45-14. Only one game left. Pitt. Then the season will be behind us.
Dinner tonight with Liz and her house guest. Another law school dean. Should be an interesting evening.
Typical Key West result. The new City Hall was to be dedicated tomorrow. The ribbon cutting. Announced in this morning’s Key West Citizen that there will be no ribbon cutting. The building not ready yet.
The Mosquito Control Board announced that it will be going ahead with genetically modified mosquito testing. Not in Key Haven, however. Key Haven residents voted it down in the recent election. The Board is looking for another key to run the test.
Weather has changed. We are going into winter. Cool this past week. No air conditioning required evenings. Sleep with the windows open. Rarely need air by day.
The temperature level is good. High 70s by day and low 70s by night.
Key West Rotary minutes 1935 reflect the influence of the federal government in resurrecting Key West from the depression, the 1935 Labor Day hurricane, and the demise of Flagler’s railroad. The three had kicked Key West in its ass.
A board meeting was held on December 16, 1935 at Strunk.s new home on Flagler. Federal support was discussed. Favorably.
Responsible was the Works Progress Administration (WPA).
La Semana Alegre was scheduled for the week of February 2, 1936. Also known as the Week of Joy Festival.
Ninety thirty five found the WPA successful in many ways in assisting a Key West recovery.
One the performance of Pirates of Penzance scheduled during La Semana Alegre.
A side note. Snowbird Diana Millikan is writing what she hopes will be a novel regarding WPA’s showing of the Pirates of Penzance in Key West. Her research deep. Her writing skills excellent.
Some background concerning the WPA and Key West. One of FDR’s programs to get America on its feet again.
As a result of the hurricane, demise of the railroad and the depression, Key West had become one of America’s poorest cities. Eleven thousand residents were receiving some form of federal assistance.
The WPA saw the possibility of a metamorphosis. To turn Key West into a tourist mecca. The purpose to make Key West a destination for people with money to spend.
WPA viewed Key West as a cultural destination. Artists, writers, etc. The WPA spent money beautifying Key West’s streets, homes and landscapes. A one year make over basically.
A no screwing around plan. Get in and get it done. Which the WPA did.
By the end of 1935, thousands had visited Key West for the first time. Ordinary people looking for an out of ordinary vacation spot.
The Key West Rotary planned to take advantage of the new Key West by scheduling a several city Rotary meeting for Key West during the February Week of Joy.
The thought occurs how differently things were in the 1930s when contrasted with today. Roosevelt’s government moved its ass to get things done. Key west an example. Nothing gets done that quickly today.
Enjoy your Sunday!
11 years, time flies.
See, the squeaky wheel does get greased once in awhile. Some folks apparently do pay attention. The skeeters will be turned loose farther east.
Thanks Lou for the WPA lesson. Very worth my further research.
Louis, correction in your above blog – I am writing a play for KW production about Julius F Stone (FERA administrator in KW) maybe titled A Stone Blew In. Act 1 about Stone’s rehabilitation program 1934/35 ( Semana Alegre took place in Feb 1935 with operetta Pirates of Penzance performed by locals down at the west end of Eaton Street at the closed up Battery Dilworth). Act 2 about Stone returning to KW in 1940 through 1960 as a corrupt attorney, investment banker/broker.
I’d like the city govt to have Penzance performed for the first event at the new amphitheater. Hope it happens.