The prisoner swap announced yesterday a landmark and historic one. So many released at one time.
Biden is going out in a blaze of glory. The multi prisoner exchange an example. I have seen nothing like it in my long life.
Biden continues to be Presidential during his last months in office. I read with pride the news story of the prisoner exchange.
The Washington Post reported Putin’s narrative on the prisoner exchange: “Don’t believe a word of it.”
Putin is as much a liar and deceptive person as is his friend Donald Trump.
Basketball star Brittney Griner knows well the emotions involved in a prisoner swap. She was thrilled Americans were returning as part of the swap. Her words: “Great day. It’s a great day. It’s a great day…..Head over heels happy for the families right now. Any day that Americans come home, that’s a win. That’s a win. I’m just happy. Like this is a big win. A huge win.”
In addition to basketball, redundancy appears to be one of her talents also.
Democratic vibes have lifted in the Presidential race. Kamala Harris is being well received. She’s for real, not a bullshit artist.
Two reasons for the changing political mood. Harris represents a prosecutor against a felon. Can’t argue with the facts. The other, she is a woman of color against a man who wants to be Hitler. Trump has made her color an issue. He made himself a Hitler type by his pursuit of authoritarian ideals.
It’s an election year and charges appear. Big ones! Some real, some bogus.
This morning’s news raises the question whether Trump received $10 million in cash from Egypt in 2017. An FBI and Justice Department investigation was quashed by Attorney General Barr at a point based on ‘insufficient evidence.”
I do not recall hearing about it back then.
The issue has revealed itself now. Again, I am not sure whether for the first time or second time. Whatever, it is deserving of a proper investigation. Quickly. Especially in view of Senator Menendez being convicted of taking bribes from Egypt.
Bootleggers were not the only ones to make money during Prohibition. Doctors did also. Legally.
During the years 1920 to 1933, the manufacture and sale of alcohol was strictly forbidden in the U.S. Except in the world of medicine!
The U.S. Treasury authorized doctors to write prescriptions for alcohol which in turn led to liquor being prescribed as a “care” for ailments ranging from indigestion to cancer. These booze prescriptions cost around $7 (roughly over $100 today), half of which was paid to the doctor to write the prescription and the rest going toward actually acquiring the medicinal pint.
Even Winston Churchill took advantage of the loophole. He was visiting the U.S. in 1932 and acquired a doctor’s note for alcohol during the visit: “Churchill necessitates the use of alcohol spirits especially at meal times.” Such allowed Churchill to shoot past U.S. prohibition laws and imbibe as he pleased.
The prescription proved to be a massive moneymaker for the medical industry during Prohibition. Not surprising. One thing I have noticed in my professional lifetime was the outstanding lobby arm the medical profession possessed. Even to today. The medical lobbyists well take care of their client.
There is a trend that pops up with some blogs I have written. A blog will cause further information to be forwarded me from readers or I will trip on some more information a few days later. The Key West Cemetery blog is a perfect example. Tombstone inscriptions. Perhaps the most popular: “I told you I was sick.”
Several more have come to my attention or have been provided me. Here are a few: “Make Love Not War…..Next Time / Merv Griffin…..I Will Not Be Back After This Message / Jack Lemon In (He left the rest of his stone blank) / Damn It’s Dark Down Here / Expired / A Dentist…..I’m Filling My Last Cavity.”
I determined mine years ago. You will have to wait till the appropriate time to learn it. Fits me to a T!
On this day in 1923, Key West was deluged by 1.05 inches of rain that fell in 22 minutes. Streets and sidewalks were flooded.
This weekend may prove to be the same. The yet to officially become Tropical Storm Debby is projected to dump flooding rain on Southern Florida.
A sad day of Western historical significance. On this day in 1876, “Wild Bill” Hickok was shot and killed while playing poker in a saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory. The shooter, Jack McCall. He was later hung.
Enjoy your day!
In response to critics around the recent hostage swap a guest commentator, aligned with an organization working to free political prisoners held in other nations stated, this is what leaders of nations do, everything in their power to protect and recover their people. He went on to say, Netanyahu should take a lesson from it.
Your move Bibi.
Not a fan of Netanyahu, but you’re truly an idiot.
Well thank you, right back at ya.