Happy Valentine’s Day!

Beside love and gift giving, the Day is named after Saint Valentine.

Valentine was a priest and physician who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians by the Emperor Claudius II about 270 AD.

In modern day: “Will you be my valentine?” is like asking “Will you go out with me?” and saying “I like you.” Sending a card is a common way to let someone know you want to be their valentine.

Dinner dates, candy and flowers are special Valentine’s Day gifts.

Hope you have someone special with whom to share this day. There is nothing better than an affair of the heart

My blog is limited today. I have a series of tests beginning at 8 this morning.


14 comments on “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY

    • Sandy is a long time discredited pest on Lou’s blog. He is an outright racist and a cheap liar who is prone to vulgarity. He has also admitted to outright “just messing with you” when cornered. Careful he loves false flag posting, sometimes even using some of Lou’s better known and respected user names.

      • Hi Don,
        Still hiding behind that “racist’ charge. That has long been proven BS. Cheap liar– more word BS, and is Donald a rich liar? Where is the lie: HRC was a first lady; she paid for a spy job; and which word is a vulgar one, I can not find it. But then again you are easy to mess with. But then what about Hillery spying on the president of the USA That is not just messing with you it is a crime and very China like.
        Thanks for messing

        • I’ll stand by EVERY single word, especially the racist bit. Sandy, you are a pathetic nuisance embarrssing the few decent Republicans left among us.

          • Then what is meant by the word RACIST. Please state your definition giving examples. By the way I am a registered Independent. Is Don or Liz on your team? List a decent Republican.

            • Hey Sandy Feet – In January of 2021, you used Lou’s blog to specifically complain that our government was “Lynching” people. I believed you said that in at least two different posts.

              I know that for a fact because I specifically asked you to name those people lynched and your source for that. Kind of funny that you now want us to prove what we all have had to endure, when you yourself refuse to back up any of your wall to wall accusations.

              Everybody knows that “lynching” is a serious word, with racial overtones, and shouldn’t be used carelessly or frivolously. But you never answered that reasonable request to identify who was lynched? Could this be that it was just not true and only something YOU made up?

              If it wasn’t true, why did you use that specific word and why did YOU accuse the United States Government of lynching people?

              Furthermore, why have you not explained why you did this, or bothered to apologize for having done something so racist. Do you think that free speech should cover YOU falsely accuse the Federal government for “Lynching” people, when it isn’t true? Why is anyone e bothering to respond to Sandy and his garbage posts. he is only trying to start trouble so he can sit back and congratulate himself on pissing people off. Besides, he isn’t really Sandy – just the same old jarhead Lou dissed when he wouldn’t meet him at the Chart House a few years ago. Let it go, he’s only showing what lowlife Republicans really are.

              These are not the only instances of you using racist remarks (say nothing of demeaning women), especially the Chinese, over and over in many posts over the years. I doubt anyone reading Lou’s blog over the years can believe their eyes with you trying to deny this now.

            • On January 18, 2021, you referred to yourself as a Republican on a post you made on Lou’s blog. Once again you are caught in a lie.

              A decent Republican? I don’t know if you want a current Republican or a dead one, but Liz Chaney seems decent, and so does Mitt Romney. I’m sure there are many others. I don’t know why I’m even bothering to answer such a stupid request from you, seeing that you seem so pleased and supportive of Donald Trump over these past several years? How many times have you shouted MAGA on Lou’s blog and now want to claim you are NOT a Republican?

        • Total garbage by the same people who brought you the child pornography ring in a NJ pizza parlor. Only Sandy would try and pzss this nonsense on Lou’s blog and then be dumb enough to try and defend it. Next thing you know, he’ll be defending his holocaust never happened arguments again.

  1. Why is anyone e bothering to respond to Sandy and his garbage posts. he is only trying to start trouble so he can sit back and congratulate himself on pissing people off. Besides, he isn’t really Sandy – just the same old jarhead Lou dissed when he wouldn’t meet him at the Chart House a few years ago. Let it go, he’s only showing what lowlife Republicans really are.

    • I don’t know if the hand wringing – pearl clutching story the wacko right is trying to push about HRC paying to spy on Trump to determine if he had ties to Russia, is true or not, but I for one would applaud her if she did. We know for sure (Mueller’s report) that Trump was paying (and suing) people to hide any of his connections, why do Republicans (and people who swear they are not Republicans) think this is a story worth pushing.

      Hillary, if you tried to find out if your opponent was somehow connected to Russia in a way that was not in America’s best interests, I applaud you, that is a smart thing to do, it is not illegal and I think you should get a medal.

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