I was not a fan of Governor Rick Scott till Irma. His performance during Irma has turned me. One hundred eighty degrees.
The man has performed outstandingly. And continues to so perform.
He knew Irma was coming and his State was in danger. He prepared. Florida could not have been more ready.
That alone turned me. However, his performance subsequent to Irma proves my change of mind to have been correct.
Scott was in Marathon yesterday for a meeting with various public groups working to help Keys’ residents. Expeditiously. Matters such as debris removal, temporary housing, small business assistance, etc.
He announced at the meeting that 400 Florida National Guard were being deployed to assist with debris removal. Six thousand tarps were on the way also.
Scott’s coordination with FEMA has been spectacular. Twenty seven thousand have registered for assistance already. Ten thousand approved thus far. Those approved have been funded to the tune of $14.9 million.
More has been accomplished.
Most telling is that yesterday was Scott’s seventh visit to the Keys because of Irma. Few of the visits receiving any notoriety.
His assistance each time more than handing out a few sandwiches.
The man performs.
Duval Street. Did the tour last night again. Conditions improving, though slowly. More store fronts visible. A few additional businesses open.
The trend re open for business is running from the Gulf towards the Atlantic. The bars and restaurants closer to the Gulf the first to open. By mid-Duval, a few more. At the other end of the spectrum, La Te Da opened sunday.
It will take till Fantasy Fest for things to return to normal.
The tree/foliage debris is beginning to stink. Awful. Especially after a rain fall. The humidity adds to the odor.
The Key West Citizen is only publishing two editions a week. Not because of Irma. A business decision. Its printing shortly moving to Miami.
I miss the Citizen! I subscribe on the internet and it was one of five publications I read first thing every morning. Local news is gone. Even where the weekly publications will pick it up. Not an everyday thing.
Started my evening last night at Aqua. Jean Thornton called from Alabama to advise there would be no Dueling Bartenders, though Tom Luna might sing a tune or two.
I needed to get out. Monday is Aqua night for me. So I went.
The bar itself filled with locals. A peppy group. Tom did not sing.
Met Ray and Tom. Ray a former Virginia judge. Look forward to running into he and Tom again. Good company.
Then to the Chart Room. Shaun bartending. Met Amy. An insurance representative from the midwest somewhere. Sent to Key West to do an informal report and evaluation of damage to certain of her company’s insureds. Preparatory to the claims people coming down.
Stopped at Denny’s on the way home for a bite to eat. Denny’s not my kind of place. However, I was there for breakfast with Robert and Ally a month ago and was impressed. Big, clean, shiny and new.
Good for a quick sandwich, I figured.
Sat at the bar. The only customer at the bar most of the time. Robi the bartender. We chatted a while. She has a son now 19 who has had significant heart problems since birth. Her war stories re not having insurance on occasion and her inability to get proper medical care for him tragic to hear.
I overstayed my time with Robi. When I returned to my car, the battery was dead. I had left the lights on. Thank God for AAA. I waited only 30 minutes to get a boost.
My cell phone’s Voice Mail apparently a victim of Irma also. I woke this morning to find 8 new messages running from 9/19 to 9/22. I assume lost in never never land because of Irma.
Puerto Rico being ignored. It appears Trump and Congress have forgotten that 3.5 million American citizens live there.
Government, get your ass in gear! They are our people!
My podcast tonight. The first in four weeks. Irma prevented me from doing the show during that time.
The show a quick half hour of interesting topics. Some eye openers. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9 tonight. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Topics include Irma, past Keys hurricanes, China’s new credit card the customer’s smile into a screen, killer robots, opioids top tobacco use in U.S., the kneeling sport dilemma, Trump’s ignoring of Puerto Rico, North Korea, healthcare, and more.
Guaranteed informative. Many times from a different perspective.
Enjoy your day!
Thanks for the updates… keep those reports coming.