Strong title! The bad word! Problem is the tale you are about to read would fail to adequately tell the unusual story of Fucking without it.

Fucking is a village in Austria. In the municipality of Tarsdorf in the upper western part of Austria.

Twenty one miles north of Salzburg. The setting for the play and film The Sound of Music.

Not very big. Last population count 2005. One hundred four people and 32 houses.

The community’s road signs (Fucking) a popular visitor attraction. Somewhat like the Southernmost Point Buoy in Key West. People like to have their picture taken standing before one of the signs.

Some couples have their pictures taken while lying beneath a sign doing the real thing.

The Fucking signs created another problem. People stole them. The problem was resolved in 2005 when some adjustment was made to the signs which prevented theft.

Fucking was established in 1070. Named for the sixth century Bavarian nobleman Focko. Over the years, the spelling changed. Sometime in the 18th century to Fucking. Translated, Fucking means “place of Focko’s people.”

Fucking reads like “fucking.” Not in Bavaria, however. The “uc” are pronounced as “oo” as in “books.” Fucking sounds like Fooking.

Local residents are called Fuckingers.

The village’s name a tourist attraction. Tour buses occasionally stop.

A story is repeatedly told concerning the female tourist looking for post cards. She had to be told “there are no Fucking post cards.”

A village resident thought the village’s name might be a money maker. He successfully sold tee shirts with a pic of the town sign on one side and on the other “I like Fucking in Austria.” Sounds like some of the tee shirts sold on Duval. The tee shirt maker even had a website.

The village fathers did not like any part of the tee shirt thing. Somehow, they legally had the tee shirt maker shut down.

In 2009, someone came up with a new beer. To be made in Fucking. Labeled, Fucking Hell. It took an appellate court to agree the name was ok to be used as printed. The beer carried the village’s name. The Hell was deemed legitimate, also. Hell is the German term for “pale lager.”

Tourists having sex in front of the Fucking signs mentioned earlier was also considered not in Fucking’s best interest by the village fathers. They had CCTV cameras installed by the signs to discourage what they considered illicit behavior.

So much for Fucking.

So much for today’s blog. Doctor visit early this morning.

Enjoy your day!




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