Key West is full of surprises!
Frankie the Plumber had heavy duty heart surgery in November. The bills were overwhelming. A fund raiser was thrown for him yesterday at Don’s Place.
A success! I do not know the final dollars. However more than 1,000 people attended. Don’s parking lot was full of colorful tents. It was like a street feast. Food and drink galore. Music.
Frankie looked good. A bit on the thin side. Says he will return to bocce next thursday. He is one of my bocce partners. His wife Sandy was her usual beautiful sedate self. A woman of class.
Jill is to be credited with the success of the event. Jill is Don’s outside bartender. She is also the hoola hoop queen I talk about on occasion. Jill recently started a band. It has a strange name. 40 Ft. Sharpie. I doubt anyone could forget such a name.
The band was there and played. Sounded good. I see success in the offing.
Jill was running around coordinating everything. Wearing a dress. First time I had seen her in a dress. Lovely.
Larry Smith was there. Larry is a Key West character and icon. He is on his annual Lenten diet. No alcohol and no food for 40 days. Tough. He lives on some liquid concoction. Larry does not necessarily do it to lose weight. He says it is to clean himself out.
Larry and Christine told us about the rooster fight the day before. There were two roosters fighting on their front porch. One was killed. Larry wanted Christine to pick it up, clean it and cook it. I sometimes think the lack of food is affecting Larry’s brain. No way was Christine going to touch the dead rooster or eat it.
Larry telephoned his mother up north. How do I cook it, Mom? Pick it up by the legs she tells him and hold it in a pot of boiling water. Then remove the feathers and so on.
Larry figures Don might know so he telephoned Don. Don says are you crazy? The chicken is fill of germs inside and out.
The chicken ended up where it belonged. In Larry’s trash can.
I stopped at the Old Island Days Art Festival on the way home. The festival is held every year at this time on Whitehead in front of Truman Annex. It has grown over the years. Now it runs into Truman Annex, also.
I enjoy a quick walk taking in the booths of art work, jewelry, clothing, etc. All consistent with island living and folklore.
The Little White House is located on the grounds of Truman Annex. Harry Truman vacationed there many times while President. Every year at the Festival I have seen Harry Truman walking along Whitehead viewing the booths and nodding his head in a hello to the spectators.
The guy looks like Harry Truman! For real! Dressed as the Presidnet had. Including straw hat and cane. I missed him yesterday. I was disappointed.
The Academy Awards last night. Enjoyed the show from the comfort of my bed. I thought it was one of the best produced Academy Award shows ever. Pure pleasure and nostalgia.
Tomorrow is Tuesday. Tuesday is Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My blog talk radio show. Nine in the evening. A half hour of current events discussion. Call in and chat with me. We will probably cover sequestration, the idiots in Washington, Syracuse basketball, the Vatican, and whatever else might tickle your fancy.
I have to run. Another dentist visit.
Enjoy your day!