Panicsville struck yesterday!
I was revising a chapter in one of the books I hope to publish when I had to check something on Facebook. No Facebook!
A major calamity! Say what you want about Facebook, it nevertheless is a site/platform many use.
Called Sloan to fix the problem. Not realizing Facebook’s whole system was out. Could not reach Sloan. Her phone was dead. E-mailed her. No response.
Jokingly thought the Anti-Christ was coming.
Turns out Facebook was down throughout almost its entire system: 1.84 billion experiencing the same problem I was. Only one problem. I did not know that till this morning.
Facebook was down 7 hours.
Read this morning that Facebook apologized.
Instagram and WhatsApp were also down.
Yesterday’s outage was Facebook’s longest since 2008.
Nobel Prize winners were announced yesterday. Trump failed to win once again.
Trump has been nominated for the Peace Award the past 3 years or more. No big deal. Anyone can be nominated. Only requirement is the nominator must be a person of prominence.
I assume Trump is grossly disappointed today. Will he claim the Nobel election was rigged? He has experience at that sort of thing.
An overflowing of sympathy for Krysten Sinema. Whether friend or foe, many are upset a woman followed her into a ladies rest room to admonish and question her.
I think the sympathy coming her way is miss directed. Sinema is a woman who avoids questions and persons asking them. If she answers, her response is a flippant one.
The woman who followed her into the ladies room was a former Sinema election supporter. She wanted to know why Sinema was not conducting herself per her campaign promises.
Sinema’s male cohort in certain respects is Joe Manchin. A wannabe. Eleven years in the Senate. Who heard of him till this year? He has become daily front page news.
Manchin keeps breaking with Democratic Party leaders on almost every issue of importance. The news this morning is he broke with party leaders over strategy re the debt ceiling issue.
He has become “Mr. Negative.”
It is time the Democratic Party starts giving Manchin that which he gives the Party. He wants to be the opposition, let the Democrats be the opposition to everything he supports. He’ll come around. He won his last election by the narrowest margin ever.
Manchin also mentioned yesterday his continued opposition to anything over $1.5 trillion re the social infrastructure bill.
Manchin raised an additional opposition measure yesterday. Out of the blue, he said the social infrastructure package must include a prohibition forbidding the use of federal funds for abortion. He said, “The Hyde Amendment is a red line.”
The New York Times ran an interesting Opinion piece yesterday by guest writer Donald Ayer: The Supreme Court Has Gone Off the Rails. I agree.
I have been researching the issue and will be sharing some specifics in a few days.
October is Italian American Heritage Month. Italian American heritage is part of the Growing Up Italian book I keep revising.
I have visited the Vatican several times. And still have not seen all there is to see. One of the things visible at all times at the Vatican are the Swiss Guards. Majestic in their conduct and finery.
The COVID pandemic and vaccine mandating have affected the Swiss Guard.
Note thousands pass through the Vatican every day. The Swiss Guard is a small contingency. The Vatican mandated the Swiss Guard had to be vaccinated to retain their positions. Three refused. They are no longer part of he Swiss Guard.
The Vatican’s mandate required each Guard member to possess either a COVID-19 vaccination certificate or the results of a negative COVID test.
Big night tonight. My Tuesday Talk blog talk radio show and the wild card game between the Yankees and Red Sox.
Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9. A quick moving half hour show. Provides me the opportunity to rant and rave.
Please join me.
At 9:30, I shall rush to the TV to watch the balance of the wild card game.
Enjoy your day!