Key West rain is strange.
I was driving into Key West yesterday morning heading to Duval Street to walk. Sun bright in Key Haven. Streets dry. Made the turn off US 1 onto the boulevard, the road was still dry. New Town all the way down dry. Then I hit Old Town. Had it rained! Puddles everywhere. Streets wet wet.
Never ceases to amaze me.
Did I walk yesterday! All over the place. Did Duval and several of the side streets. Stopped in some stores. Even stopped in St. Paul’s Church on Duval.
For years, St. Paul’s had one hour of music at noon monday through friday. For anyone who wanted to stop in. A full range of music played. Organ and piano. From classical to Broadway.
The music hour also provided an opportunity to escape the heat and cool down..
I stopped in yesterday. No music. Church deserted. I was disappointed. If anyone knows why, let me know.
I sat a while and studied the ceiling structure. All wood. Many criss crossing beams. Interesting construction. I sense the intertwined beams has something to do with keeping the roof in place during a hurricane.
My walk took me back to Clinton Square Market. Not a locals place. A tourist location. Merchants have to do a big business in the four hours a ship is in. Apparently they do.
There is a small store called Sweets of Paradise. Fudge, cookies and ice cream. I was tempted to buy a piece of fudge. Mouth watering. I overcame the temptation, however. Not yet.
Robert and Ally have graduated. They were in an advanced swimming class two days a week for one hour each day. They became sufficiently proficient that they were promoted. To the swimming team! Now they practice one hour a day three days a week.
The name of the team? Does it compete? Against who? I don’t know. Lisa did not know. We are going with the flow.
Robert and Ally and all the participants looked good. Grammar and high school swimmers. They swim the full hour, alternating strokes. All under the guidance of coaches who constantly yell corrections to them.
My fish looked good!
The swimming takes place at the Florida Keys Community College. In the back of the college near open water is an Olympic size pool. It was filled yesterday at practice time. Easily a 100 kids in the water.
In the first lane were two lovely young ladies. One 3, the other 4. Down syndrome girls.
They were alone in the lane, except for two coaches. The coaches appeared to be college students. I watched these two young ladies practice their swimming for 1.5 hours. Each had her own coach with her at all times. The girls knew how to swim. As 3 and 4 year olds do. The coaches were there not only to watch them, but also to provide guidance and support.
Down syndrome children are natuarally happy. The two swimming exceeded the normal bounds of happiness. They were exhuberant! Having a ball!
I decided on a change of pace last night. Thought I would go to Louie’s Backyard for a drink and take it from there. As I was driving over, it rained again. Big time! I changed course and went to Southernmost’s Beachside Restauant. Open sided with a roof on top.
There I stayed for a while. Enjoyed dinner at the bar.
I observed a nearby couple drinking pina coladas. Looked good! I had not had one in years. So…..I ordered a pina colada after dinner. Good the first few sips. Then too heavy for me. I could not finish it.
Today…..I do not know. I have some work to do on the trip pics. We are close to publishing them! Sloan is coming over at 5 to work with me. Do not expect the pics tomorrow. Soon, however.
Enjoy your day!