Yesterday I congratulated Charlie Brown and Peanuts on their 70th birthday. The response has been amazing!
I was deluged with telephone calls and e-mails. Everyone knew or knows Charlie Brown. A tone of excitement accompanied each communication.
I should not have been surprised. Peanuts is read every day by 330 million people spread over 22 countries.
May Charlie and the comic strip Peanuts be around for generations to come. Anything that makes so many people happy deserves to be.
Back to Lucy. Yesterday’s Lucy.
Cathy and I did Cocktails at 7 last night. Lucy always a part of our meeting. Lucy does not drink. She merely sits on Cathy’s lap the whole time we are laughing away.
I mentioned Lucy is blind. I failed to mention she is also deaf and has diabetes. Thank God her “mother” takes such good of her.
Lucy walks around the house alone. She has the layout down pat. Occasionally she is in too much of a hurry or screws up some how. Her head and a wall come into contact.
She used to jump off and on Cathy’s bed. No more. Cathy lifts Lucy on. She has to take Lucy off the bed in the morning. She no longer jumps. Does occasionally fall of the bed, however.
I learned last night Lucy’s sense of smell is still intact. Cathy was picking on some small pieces of pork dipped in some type sauce. Lucy’s tongue hung out. She continued to want more.
Lucy is a good girl. Takes her two shots a day for diabetes without complaint.
I telephoned Donna early this morning. She was in the hospital. Has been there since wednesday. Being discharged today. Some stomach problem.
My lesbian wife has had some hard times recently health wise. She had a knee replacement 4 weeks ago. Still dealing with that.
Louie’s Backyard. One of Key West’s finest and most beautiful restaurants.
I am referring to Louie’s this morning for a couple of reasons. One because it has been a long time since I have. The other involves The Key West Concierge. Island Genn wrote about Louie’s in Key Wester’s 9/30 publication.
Louie’s opened in 1971. Its home is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The restaurant sits on one of the best ocean front locations in Key West. Facing the Atlantic. Water racing up to its Afterdeck outside bar.
Key West as everyone knows is a bit funky. Proudly so. Next door to Louie’s is Dogs’ Beach. A small beach set aside for dogs.
The other side of Louie’s is the home of the Coconut Beach Resort. A series of old Key West homes refurbished and connected down to the corner and around the block. Each end connecting with the ocean.
An interesting story concerning me and what is now the Coconut Beach Resort.
In 1996 there was no Coconut Beach Resort. Merely houses with people living in them. The house immediately next to Louie’s was for sale. The house today part of the Coconut Beach complex.
It was for sale. I was looking to buy a home. The asking price $70,000. Cheap by any standard back then. Needed work. I liked the set-up. One problem. I did not want to live next to a restaurant. I let it pass.
A mistake obviously. I would have made a killing at some point selling it.
The home had fame. Jimmy Buffett once lived there.
Earlier in the year when coronavirus started hitting the U.S. big time, I wrote food at some point would become a problem. There would be a distinct scarcity. Mentioned it in writing and on my blog talk radio show several times thereafter.
I write about it again today.Food is becoming increasingly scarce. Note that your supermarket is not always fully stocked. Many items you wish to purchase not available, Prices of course rising constantly.
The problem involves water and an inability to transport food products at a cost that can be afforded. Then too certain food products, whether meat or various canned goods, are not available in sufficient quantities for the producers to make a profit.
The American public is ending up on the short end..
People with no or little dollars have always gone to food banks. Now another group has joined them. Those who were able to afford groceries and no longer can. One reason being out of work.
The demand has become greater. The supply either the same or less. The moral being the food banks at some point will be insufficient to satisfy the needs of those who no longer can put food on the table themselves.
Then what?
The government continues to fail the American people. The Senate is going home again for a couple of weeks. Only a small group remaining to approve Barrett for the Supreme Court. The stimulus bill still sitting with no action by the Republican Senate.
Credibility has been a problem vexing the White House while Trump has been President. Credibility failure has followed Trump into the hospital.
Trump’s medical condition is no joke. People have a right to know.
Apparently the President and his advisers think not. The “medical report” by a group of Trump’s attending physicians at one point was treated by them as a joke. Conflicting stories are coming out as to Trump’s real condition.
When a President of the U.S. is sick enough to be confined to the hospital, his physical condition must be an open book. The people must be informed.
The Florida Department of Health is providing Monroe County residents free coronavirus testing. Take advantage of it.
ID required. An appointment must be made. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 786-910-9764. Walks ins will not be allowed.
I end today with Mount Rushmore.
On this day in 1927, work began on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. On land once owned by Native Americans. Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills. Site of many Native American movies.
The Native Americans involved consider Mount Rushmore sacred ground. They strongly opposed the project. To no avail.
The project took 12 years. The cost $1 million. Funded primarily by the U.S. government.
The four Presidents were completed in the following order: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
Thomas Jefferson created a problem. His face was still being worked on 2 years after it began. Cracks started appearing in the stone. Jefferson would not remain in place for all time.
Jefferson was completely removed and begun again on the other side of George Washington.
Enjoy your day!
Is there room for Trump on Rushmore or will somebody else have to go?
Plenty of room, he’ll be put up there next to Ronald Reagan, just after Barack Obama is finished
Hey, I thought Kelly Ann Conway had quit the White House to save her marriage and her family. I guess that was all bull sh*t too?
Why is it we can’t be;ieve ANYTHING coming from THIS White House?
So let me get this straight. Trump hosted a super-spreader event to honor a justice who would have the government control your body but refuse the duty to care for it, and when the virus he helped go around came around, he availed of the healthcare he would deny others, financed by the taxes he refuses to pay?
Things need to change!